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Posts posted by IGotWorms

  1. 2 minutes ago, TBayXXXVII said:

    It doesn't matter if he goes to prison or not, he'll be out in January to serve his term in office.  For all I care, he can go back afterwards.  Doesn't change the fact that it was a political prosecution in a kangaroo court.

    The funny thing about the whole Donald Trump saga is that the Democrats and their PR department are the reason this whole circus exists.  If they didn't go all ape sh!t on the fake Russia crap and the whole investigation, impeachment, etc... practically none of what's transpired since wouldn't have happened.  Heck, the nut cases like MTG might not have even be a thing.  If Hillary just takes it like a man and losses gracefully and the Democrats stop attacking him, how does he play the victim card?  The liberals created this dog and pony show, now blame the Republican's, just like everything else they do.  I can't think of a worse organization than the Democrat party, in the history of the world... yes, I'm including the Nazi's.  The Democrats are worse than them.

    I put that fourth option on there just for you :wub:

  2. 1 minute ago, Mike Honcho said:

    Opinion piece, but describes the mechanism for her removal. 

    It’s an uphill battle because the law on reassigning judges is tough. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (which covers Florida) has deemed reassignment appropriate “where the trial judge has engaged in conduct that gives rise to the appearance of impropriety or a lack of impartiality in the mind of a reasonable member of the public.” On its face, one might think from that language that Cannon shouldn’t be on the case. But she is on it — and might stay on it — because it’s not that simple.

    Yeah that’s not gonna happen 

  3. Could Trump go to prison?

    It's unlikely, but not impossible.

    Sentencing is at the judge's discretion. While jail is an option, it's not usually assigned for this type of crime in Manhattan, legal experts and former prosecutors point out, especially for first-time offenders. Each count of falsifying business records carries a maximum of four years in prison. Trump was convicted on 34 counts. Lighter punishments, like probation, could also be on the table.




    In my personal opinion, if I was convicted of 34 felonies and had attacked the judge and his family, calling the judge a devil and all that, I would expect that I would be going to prison for at least a short stint.

    • Sad 1

  4. 35 minutes ago, naomi said:

    That's strange.

    I understand there's a lot of crappy people these days, and the internet tends to overrepresent them. But I'm not even a social butterfly and I still know a fair amount of truly decent women. I'm not really in environments where crappy ones would be though.

    He’s a misogynist.

    There are several of them here.

  5. Divorced though hopefully the second one will take. So not qualified to answer your question, but what you’re describing goes beyond the norm imo. Sure you’re going to be physically attracted to other people but you shouldn’t be infatuated with them — that’s a bad sign for the marriage imo 

  6. 2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

    The problem with this is that when it comes to Donald Trump there’s always going to be “collateral issues”. No matter what he’s attacking the judge, the jury, the system. If there is no fault he will create one. There is no judge that would be perfect enough to satisfy him. 

    Aileen Cannon probably comes close. Basically will not let the case against him ever come to trial 
