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Posts posted by IGotWorms

  1. 13 minutes ago, Mike Honcho said:

    I'm not arguing that it's right, but it seems what happened is that clemency was given based entirely on a set of guidelines without any regard to the crime.  Fit the guidelines, get clemency.  Just posting for those who are interested in the "how" of it all. 


    Well that’s a pretty dumb excuse.

    “Don’t worry, we didn’t think about the decision at all!”

  2. 4 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

    Hmm, tough call.  You get into it more with her than I do.  I notice Worms because he is a simp who often accuses me of racism and all the other isms.

    This is why old people shouldn’t try out new lingo. You don’t know what “simp” means or how/when to use it :( 

    • Haha 2
    • Sad 1

  3. 41 minutes ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:

    I would have no problem whatsoever if Kamala challenged Wisconsin and Wisconsin decided that because of litigation both slates of electors should be sent to congress

    go for it, its your constitutional right to challenge and deny every and all elections among everything else


    Oof, embarrassing! 😢

  4. 8 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

    Same.  I imagine there are a lot of great hikes, as well as the cool scenery.  :thumbsup: 

    Yeah the geological sh1t seems pretty cool too. Geysers, geothermal pools etc. Seems kinda like Yellowstone except you can actually get in some of them 

  5. They’ve sure been winning a lot lately. In fact, I bet they’re even tired of winning so much!!


    The number of Black students entering Harvard Law School dropped sharply this fall after last year’s Supreme Court decision banning affirmative action in college admissions, according to enrollment data released on Monday.

    Harvard Law enrolled 19 first-year Black students, or 3.4 percent of the class, the lowest number since the 1960s, according to the data from the American Bar Association. Last year, the law school’s first-year class had 43 Black students, according to an analysis by The New York Times.

    While changes in data calculation might explain some year-to-year changes, the decline at Harvard was much sharper than at other elite law schools. It was notable not only for its severity but also because of the school’s past role in educating some of the nation’s best-known Black lawyers, including former President Barack Obama, the former first lady Michelle Obama, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and the former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick.

    The Supreme Court decision, and the fact that Harvard College was named in the case, played a role, according to David B. Wilkins, a Harvard law professor who has studied Black representation in the legal profession.

    “This obviously has a lot to do with the chilling effect created by that decision,” Mr. Wilkins said on Monday.

    “This is the lowest number of Black entering first-year students since 1965,” he added, pointing to numbers compiled by the Center on the Legal Profession at Harvard, where he also serves as faculty director. That year, there were 15 entering Black students. Since 1970, there have generally been 50 to 70 Black students in Harvard Law’s first-year class, he said.


    • Haha 3
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1

  6. 4 hours ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

    Yeah this seems a bit dubious, to me.  I'm guessing this will be rejected quickly unless they have some absolute incontrovertible proof that they release the poll to try to influence the election.

    They’re fishing—hoping to get something in discovery. Doubt it gets that far but who knows 
