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Everything posted by jerryskids

  1. Luka's whining on full display the past few minutes. Whining at teammates, officials, and opponents for beating him to the ball.
  2. Go Wolves! I hate Luka, and Minny beat the Suns earlier.
  3. jerryskids

    Most Obnoxious Sports Fan Bases

    Same, brutha. I married into a UM family so I need to defend them. Also we have a niece who went to MSU so that adds drama.
  4. jerryskids

    The Revenge of the Normies

    Appreciate it. Mostly I'm looking to see if it sheds light on why people support Trump, other than being a bunch of knuckledragging phobaphobes.
  5. No, Rusty is. His ABC link said the same thing about assassination, which isn't what Trump said.
  6. jerryskids

    Most Obnoxious Sports Fan Bases

    MSU guy says wut?
  7. No, I'm saying that Rusty is FOS by saying that Trump said the FBI is trying to assassinate him. But in his defense, he is going by the ABC article he linked, which is equally FOS. MSM is the beacon of accurate news, right Tim?
  8. jerryskids

    Woke Jeebus

    OMG yes. Amen Thanks
  9. jerryskids

    The Revenge of the Normies

    The college protests are mostly young herd animals and other anarchists. Do you dispute this? Do you honestly think that the majority of them are educated on the history of this situation? That's silly. Apparently each generation needs to experience the reality that is that the Gazans are a collection of warlike tribes who have no interest in peace, and instead eschew 2-state solutions and elect terrorists intent on killing all Jews. Which is why each and every Arab country says no focking way to letting them in. But the current generation knows better, it's Israel's fault. Rinse and repeat. Congrats, you've sidetracked an attempt to point out why people support Trump.
  10. jerryskids

    The Revenge of the Normies

    This? He's saying the protesters are young herd animals who belong to the "anti-capitalist" left. And this is close to "where was Obama on 9/11"? Sorry but that's crazy. Please don't make me post videos of idiots from the Left from "on the street" videos, I'm hoping to have a serious discussion.
  11. jerryskids

    The Revenge of the Normies

    I like you wiff, you know I do, but why are you posting this pablum here? I'm hoping to start some serious dialog, and perhaps educate folks like yourself why Trump is popular with so many people. Not a curated set of idiots.
  12. Agreed. But... Trump didn't claim that the FBI tried to assassinate him. He said: I'll expect @TimHauckhere at his leisure to confirm this blatant misstatement about Trump's comments.
  13. Anyone notice that, when Fonzie turned around to confront the big racist, he was standing on a footrest? Henry Winkler is little AF; making him seem tough throughout the run of the show is IMO one of TV's great accomplishments.
  14. Well, the problem with this, other than Hillary wasn't POTUS and so couldn't demand anything, is that Trump did not organize the riot on the Capitol. Which is why he is charged with obscure federal codes instead of insurrection. So no, Hillary wouldn't have even sniffed charges.
  15. jerryskids

    Woke Jeebus

    Got a Bible quote for that? I'm not aware of Jesus using the word "puke" in the Bible. Then again, I haven't memorized the Book of Philemon like you probably have.
  16. jerryskids

    The Revenge of the Normies

  17. To summarize: you believe that nobody will watch the unedited video, and instead that conservatives with bad intent will edit it to make coherent Joe Biden look incoherent. Then a bunch of Magamooks will eat up the fake, misleading edits to incorrectly conclude that Biden is in severe cognitive decline. In other words, basically what I said that you replied to above. Like I said earlier, I have no doubts that people on the right will edit the juiciest (or unjuiciest, brain-dead?) parts to emphasize this fact. But it doesn't change the reality. Camp Biden can certainly respond with a counter, context, etc. And it is still not a reason to abuse Executive Privilege.
  18. jerryskids

    Trump to ban contraception?

    The only thing I can think of is giving states the right to ban the sale of that Opill OTC contraceptive to minors. I believe that some states have laws in place requiring parental consent for prescription ones. I don't know if such laws would apply to an OTC drug tho. Not saying I agree if that's the case, as kids can buy condoms everywhere (I think). I'm just guessing here, as I can't imagine he'll just make them illegal across the board, that's dumb.
  19. jerryskids

    Woke Jeebus

    Cocaine Bear gender
  20. Fine, I don't want you to report me. I'll delete it.
  21. Calm down, Squissy. Nobody thinks you would actually say something so coherent. It's just a thing we occasionally do here to prove a point.
  22. I agree. It's probably motivated by Stefanik's political ambitions as much as anything. Unlike Bragg who objectively... bwahahah, I can't type it with a straight face!
  23. https://x.com/EliseStefanik/status/1793311001934279016 Elise Stefanik: Yesterday, I filed an official judicial complaint with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct against Acting Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan. His family is directly enriching itself off this sham trial against President Trump in blatant violation of the Rules of Judicial Conduct for the New York State Unified Court System, and he must be held accountable.
  24. jerryskids

    The state of the Presidential race

    FWIW, I just looked it up and Bernie Sanders was the overwhelming winner of the democratic caucuses in Nevada in 2020. So maybe support for Biden has never been terribly strong there? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Nevada Pledged national convention delegates[c] Votes % Votes % Number % Bernie Sanders 35,652 33.99 41,075 40.45 6,788 46.84 24 Joe Biden 18,424 17.57 19,179 18.89 2,927 20.20 9 Pete Buttigieg 16,102 15.35 17,598 17.33 2,073 14.31 3 Elizabeth Warren 13,438 12.81 11,703 11.53 1,406 9.70