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jerryskids last won the day on May 29

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    Phoenix, AZ
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    2023 EdEx WM, PGA Champion

    2024 EdEx Wells Fargo Champion

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  1. Medical experts acknowledge that there are an astounding number of mental health comorbidities associated with trans people. You of course think that this is because some people are mean to them sometimes, but the experts don't say that. Also, if your brain thinks you are a different sex than your body, that is a mental health issue. We as a society merely have decided not to call it that, because it has negative connotations.
  2. jerryskids

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    He has disavowed himself of 2025. Do those words count, or do you only take selective ones literally?
  3. jerryskids

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    Squistion, missing the point. WHOOOOSH$#@!
  4. jerryskids

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    No. Her base gave her no support and 0 delegates in 2020. She is a shiny new toy who speaks better than a half-dead guy. Nobody is electrified, loving, embracing. Just stop with these words. Independents are interested in learning more of course. They probably also like having a second option who is sentient.
  5. jerryskids

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    Lefties: Trump said he'll deport 15M people, it's not bluster, he'll really do it$#@! Also Lefties: Kamala had the furthest Left record in the Senate, but she is a moderate Democrat who doesn't support banning fracking, Medicare for all, or decriminalizing illegal aliens.
  6. jerryskids

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    So much wrong with this post. You keep using superlatives which don't apply -- she wasn't electric, or superb, or outstanding. She was passable reading from a prompter. When she called for a two-state solution in Gaza, I thought "bless your heart. You think you are the first person to think of that. Hamas has been waiting for somebody to propose it!" Also, your second paragraph shows once again that you live in a Leftie matrix. To think that the right uses "far left" more than the opposite is, objectively, laughable. Since Obama, anyone right of Mao has been "far right" to you guys. You are on a train hurtling left and have no idea how relativity works.
  7. jerryskids

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    George Orwell, 1984
  8. jerryskids

    Hawk Tuah

    I think it's hard to say how many guys she's been with. She's already said that she isn't going to do OnlyFans, so that's a plus for her. She likes to please her man. Doesn't mean there have been 20+ of them.
  9. jerryskids

    Hawk Tuah

  10. jerryskids

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    I don't disagree with the premise of this. There is an old axiom that whoever the election is a referendum about, that person will lose. That is why the Left has a platform with basically one item: Trump is bad. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't hide Biden's cognitive collapse any more, so it became a referendum on Biden. Now they are swinging it back on Trump, or trying to anyway. We can agree to disagree on the impact on black women voters. I don't think Ru Paul endorsements or fake ebonics are going to endear her to that crowd. But, some black women will vote for her simply because she is black-ish. I agree on the younger voters. The biggest uptick should be in getting young voters to bother to vote. Which, frankly, I kinda wish they didn't, because they have no life experiences and think things like Hamas is a victim. But that's a different topic.
  11. jerryskids

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    I find it interesting that all of you hopeful lefties think your shiny new toy is going to resoundingly win. She is Indian/Jamaican, not African American, and didn't exactly grow up in the projects. Sure, all of the public AA women will pump her up as the next great thing, and leftie sheeple will interpret that as blanket support, but that doesn't mean the average AA woman is clamoring to vote for her. More importantly, women can be brutal to each other. Conservative men need to be extremely careful about publicly pushing the fact that she slept her way to the top, for instance. Women don't like that, it's like your little brother. YOU can make fun of your little brother, but nobody else can. As long as the word is out, the women will talk about it.
  12. jerryskids

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    You live in the Matrix. That leftie steak tastes great I bet.
  13. jerryskids

    Happening Now! Hamas/Liberal Insurrection

    This is true. Studies show that such behaviors have the opposite effect of intended -- they turn the general populace against the cause. If I know this, then the people who fund and organize these riots know it as well. As Saul Alinsky said, "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." In other words, the leaders of these riots don't give a shiot about Hamas or Palestinians. They care about building a revolution. Look how much larger and more violent these "protests" are becoming. We've moved well beyond "it's just a few wayward college kids."
  14. jerryskids

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    You think Kamala is going to get a huge percentage of votes from black women?
  15. jerryskids

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    Trump was supportive of Israel in his first term. Why do you think he'll abandon them this time? Has he become a Hamas lover?