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Everything posted by jerryskids

  1. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Many Catholics disagree with the Pope and want a more conservative Church, not just Trad Catholics. It's been in the news and everything just this week. https://www.newsweek.com/pope-risks-fury-conservative-bishops-border-comments-1902520 Trad Catholic talking to Catholics is like atheist talking to a Christian school. Perfect analogy. SMH Yip yip. Hmm... yup...
  2. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    I already earlier in the thread that I didn't think it was the time or place for that message. Then when I read the entire speech, I understood why he said it, but I still think he could have done it better. But it isn't really a bad message, which was the point of my post -- to show the opposite message, one that feminists would prefer.
  3. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Bless your heart. Traditional Catholicism is what was practiced for almost 2000 years, until 1965, practically my lifetime. Just because you say "and my analogy was perfect" doesn't make it remotely true. It still sucks. But you'll never see it. Most people would have just moved on; perhaps this yip yip dog persistence in the face of utter failure is what helped catapult you up the corporate ladder?
  4. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    IKR! Maybe he should have said the following: "Ladies, some of you may be thinking about having kids and raising a family. Fock that noise! This is the age of hedonism -- you'll have a much more fulfilling life if you spend 14 hours a day at the office. Every lonely older woman I know wishes they spent more time at the office and less raising her kids!"
  5. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Sorry, but your analogy sucks. He is a Catholic, he spoke at a Catholic school, and the message of his speech was to embrace Catholicism.
  6. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    We've discussed the TLM; what is your hangup with this? He is a Catholic talking to Catholics. He wasn't talking to you. Also, amazing that this gets 16 pages while by far the worst speech of the week -- Biden telling Morehouse graduates that their country hates them -- gets barely a blip.
  7. jerryskids

    Geek Meet In NYC?

    Appreciate it.
  8. I agree with your belief of the stated rationale. But like you said, it is an abuse of executive privilege. I don't know what the "Gang of Puzzies" is. Also, what do you think will be sliced and diced in misleading ways? Like, Biden is really coherent, but they'll splice and dice it to make him seem like he isn't? Do you not think the entire video, un-spliced and diced, will make it to the internet?
  9. jerryskids

    Geek Meet In NYC?

    Thanks, will do. We plan to do such a trip once a year at least. Also I didn't know this was your current handle.
  10. jerryskids

    Geek Meet In NYC?

    I thought about mentioning your visit but didn't think it was my place to do so.
  11. This has turned into "but this one goes to 11," I see no more value in discussing it. Carry on.
  12. Oh, I understand. I don't think you understand my Venn Diagram point. Hillary deleted emails and smashed phones. As such, nothing was returned. No charges. Biden had docs he should not have ever had, but he's old. No charges. Trump had docs he was allowed to have, and instead of destroying them, he delayed returning them. Charges. Understand?
  13. What do they charge these people for, given the long history of charging these people. For focks sake And yeah, my main concern is about being fair. Or more specifically, not weaponizing the court system against the opposition candidate for president. But hey, paying off a porn star 8 years ago is election interference, we need to stop the OMB. Funny thing is, if he is found guilty, I would guess that it virtually guarantees him being elected. The Left doesn't understand why, and doesn't want to understand.
  14. True. Biden had docs he had no authority to have! Oh wait, you meant something else... Venn diagram.
  15. jerryskids

    Geek Meet In NYC?

    Awesome! I'll skip the long story, but we ended up zipping through the area I think you are describing with the globe time line (the evolution of people?) to get to the gems/minerals at the end. I definitely want to spend time there on my next visit, along with the space section. Glad you like the 6Columbus req, if you stay there, let me know how it works out. Definitely on the , let me know. Fair warning: August and September are very hot here. End of October through... heck, today it is a dry 90, are much better weather times to visit. But I'll likely be here if you come, except for a week mid-August when we are doing a fam cruise in Alaska.
  16. How does Merchan know that sending him to the pokey for contempt wouldn't work? Regardless, I'd need to hear from actual legal experts who were there and saw the behavior from all sides, not Katie the Leftist X stenographer and opinion reporter, if sighs and a mumble of "Jesus" would typically get a witness's entire testimony removed.
  17. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    Look at how he keeps trying, it's pathetic. He thinks he has some big gotcha because I provided the statements of political experts to support Biden being influenced by protests. Yet earlier today he stated that Biden is only supporting men having babies to appease a few voters. I was tempted to ask for PROOF$#@! that Biden doesn't believe it, but then I thought nah, that doesn't help discussion and would be as stupid as BeachBlade. He is a woefully insecure pseud who desperately wants to think of himself as being aligned with the actual smart people, as evidenced by... well, most of his posts both to me and in general, disparaging the people who support Trump. He should seek help.
  18. Oh, well, sighing and a mumbled "Jesus". You don't threaten to throw out his testimony. Not if you are impartial.
  19. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    I mentioned the patents because you said I couldn't/shouldn't design anything. You posted this out of nowhere, and I'm the insecure one? Seek help, insecure girlio.
  20. jerryskids

    Geek Meet In NYC?

    Not to conflict with Mike's recs/setup, but we were just there a few weeks ago visiting our daughter. Stayed at a hotel called 6 Columbus, right at Columbus Circle. https://www.google.com/maps/place/6+Columbus+-+Central+Park+Hotel/@40.7675742,-73.9857551,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m9!3m8!1s0x89c25858808111a3:0xd6bc0a96cf7a0521!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d40.7675702!4d-73.9831802!16s%2Fg%2F1wzt38ms?entry=ttu Reasonably priced for NY. Their sushi restaurant is considered the best in the immediate area, according to my informal pole of a few locals who were in there (it was good). Next door on one side is a 4.9 rated bagel place with a line out the door every day but worth it; we ate there twice. On the other side is a Starbucks. Across the street is a shopping structure and, of course, Central Park. Columbus Circle subway stop is a large one, right across the street, with multiple trains (1, A, C were ones we all used). Also, we did the Natural History Museum. Awesome stuff. We were disappointed that the costume section was closed (it was right before the Met Gala, and my daughter is in the fashion industry, it's open now I believe). But we focused on the ocean, dinosaurs, and gems/minerals, all great. I love geology stuff, so the gems/minerals was particularly cool for me. Have fun!
  21. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    RMFF You are a sad, sad little accountant. Seek help.
  22. There is a definite pattern here. 1. Merchan gets his panties in a wad over something, anything, the defense does. 2. Merchan then shows what I'll laughingly call "great restraint" at, say, not throwing out critical defense testimony because of an eye roll. 3. Leftist media tell you about the incredibly soft treatment Trump is getting. 4. Lefties post.
  23. I replied to him with "I don't know...", hoping somebody would respond with a specific response relevant to the reference.
  24. Are you thinking of a hypothetical candidate who, say, allegedly pays of a porn star to keep her yap shut?
  25. jerryskids

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    The "tiny segment" is not the handful of women who think they are men while giving birth, but rather all of the people who support this concept. Which is a lot more people. Enough people that it's worth alienating the people who believe women should be celebrated for motherhood. ETA: But this is the Covid thread so I'll stop sidetracking after this.