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Everything posted by jerryskids

  1. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    I've explained why age is relevant, you are too dense to get it. Here, fine. Social media users by age: https://khoros.com/resources/social-media-demographics-guide Summary: Younger people consume more social media. I've already shown data in an earlier link regarding age vs. candidate support. All of this data is inconsistent with "data" that Biden supporters (who are older) get more info from social media. An adult in a conversation might show why they disagree with my concerns. But not you, BeachBlade. Hmm... yup...
  2. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    I literally gave you a link with the age data. My new name for you is BeachBlade. Hmm... yup... Also I have 5 US patents. You may have figured out the IRR on an investment once. I wouldn't go down that path. But you will. Hmm... yup...
  3. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    Ignoring the Cletus of your side on this board, BeachBlade, I think there probably is more support for Trump among people who don't follow politics closely. They aren't told 24/7 by the MSM about the mean OMB guy. I would add the online versions of those Leftist rags to "newspaper." But I still don't think a lot of 23 yr olds are paying for subscriptions and reading them daily.
  4. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    I questioned the validity of the poll. I explained why. That is what adults do in conversations. You wouldn't know. You replied with a tween-level post about CatPee. I provided a link with multiple polls supporting my age support position. Are you questioning my assertion that TikTok was not included in that poll? And you are questioning this? How is a statement about the lack of TikTok irrelevant to a dispute with a poll which glaringly omits it? I don't know why follow me around spewing diarrhea out of your fingers, but it's not a good look. I suggest you stop. But you won't.
  5. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    So, nothing about my points. How's your parents' TikTok accounts going? Are they protesting for Hamas? An intelligent poster might have argued that Trump support among young people is increasing: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/07/voter-age-biden-trump-2024-election-00150923Link Then I would counter with yes, increasing, but still a majority for Biden. But you aren't intelligent. You are threatened by the logic of my post, so you deflect with CatPee and similarly idiotic pap.
  6. jerryskids

    Uninformed people like Trump

    So we are supposed to believe that younger people, who overwhelmingly support Biden, are cracking open newspapers a watching the evening broadcast news? And older people, who tend to Trump, are all up in YouTube channels? Also, I noticed a glaring omission of TikTok. If you know 20-somethings (I have three of them), this is where they get the bulk of their info. And the platform is a Left-wing echo chamber.
  7. jerryskids

    The Top 25 Wrestlers of All Time - APR 5, 2024

    My favorite rivalry was the Four Horsemen vs. ... pretty much everyone else. The most dominant bad guys I can recall seeing.
  8. jerryskids

    ***EdEx PGA Championship 2024***

    Our smoker needs the igniter replaced. I got the igniter delivered from RecTeq but I haven't done it. They show a 2 minute sped-up video to make it look easy peasy, but you basically need to take the entire thing apart to do it. I'm askeered a little.
  9. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    If one of them doesn't WANT to stay home, I'd argue that that isn't a sign of great parenting.
  10. I feel strongly that the case should never have been brought, but in the end that is a matter of opinion. To my knowledge the prosecution has yet to broach the subject of election interference; perhaps the plan is just mention in summary, "well hey, there was an election, so it interfered, yahtzee!" But I have no idea how it is going to turn out. Also, your sad attempt to add "hung jury" to your side of the bet made me think: what if he is found guilty of the misdemeanors only? I feel like I heard there is a scenario where this is an option. If so, I could see this being the plan all along. Tying the docs stuff to a bullshiot election interference charge allowed them to call it a felony and bring the case in the first place. But they never even try to make it stick, and let the jury be Solomon splitting the baby and find for the misdemeanors. In the end, Bragg and the judge can go to their woke get-togethers and be heroes for convicting the OMB. I had another idea, more tinfoil hat, where the judge calls a mistrial at the end because the prosecution never brought the felony part of the case, and they do the whole thing again. Here the idea is simply to keep OMB busy during the election.
  11. This is the first of what may be several threads on my thoughts about cultural existential threats facing our nation, depending on how it goes and how much stuff gets swept under this topic. Marxism and Moral Relativism: Definitions of Marxism abound; for our purposes, I'll call it the support of the worker class over the ownership class, or the oppressed over the oppressors from an economic standpoint. Marxism also supports moral relativism: https://www.google.com/search?q=marxist+moral+relativism&sca_esv=4771c1dce5b9df5f&sxsrf=ADLYWIKmN0GtIzO1s5LmuDWRPAuBlaa9Uw%3A1715614907871&ei=uzRCZqHzNMT1kPIPr5iD8AY&oq=marxism+and+moral+rela&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz-serp For most of its existence, Marxism and economics were closely intertwined. But in recent history, we have seen the tenets of Marxism extended to other areas. - BLM and anti-racism are racial Marxism, where the oppressed are black people. We are led to believe that white people (the oppressors) are inherently racist, as are all systems developed by the oppressors. Biden's administration has enacted many policies supporting this. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/19/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-administration-advances-equity-and-opportunity-for-black-people-and-communities-across-the-country/ - The allowance of biological men into women's safe spaces and sports is sexual Marxism. It places the needs of the oppressed (the men) over the needs of the oppressors (cis women). Biden's recent Title 9 changes show clear support of this. - The support of Palestinians over Israel is... terrorist Marxism? religious Marxism? Obviously the Palestinians are the oppressed in this model. We see Biden's support for Israel waning in deference to the Islamic State of Dearborn. I do not believe in moral relativism; I believe there are some moral absolutes. But you need moral relativism to defend men in women's prisons, or woman-raping child-burning terrorists. Existential Threat: I do not believe that a nation can survive in the long term on a backbone of moral relativism. While the above specific issues are not likely to cause the demise of our nation, they are part of a clear pattern and trajectory towards increasing relativism. What is the American Way? Is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness good? How about the American Dream, that any person through hard work can achieve his/her goals? Is that good? We seem to be increasingly celebrating people for being on an intersectional scale more than people who achieve great things. Anyway, I've typed enough for now. I look forward to @BeachGuy23responding with a grammatically challenged one-liner, but hopefully this can generate some discussion among intelligent folks.
  12. So, was he charged with election interference or not?
  13. I think it's interesting that this thread title, and much of the MSM, call this an "Election Interference" trial, yet he hasn't been charged with election interference in NY.
  14. jerryskids

    Do Democrats Want Illegal Immigrants To Vote?

    Yes, she says I insulted her. I do not recall it but have apologized as best as I can, given that I don't recall it. Is this what a "sketchy past" means?
  15. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    You buying that BeachGuy pablum that I said it was an undeniable fact that college protests are affecting Biden's policies? (pro tip: I didn't.) And then when he asked for data to support it, I provided the opinions of political experts who agreed? That's DEFCON 1 level idiocy, even for you.
  16. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    I'm waiting for @Sean Mooneyto come tell me it doesn't happen often and I hate trans people.
  17. jerryskids

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    I believe that young children at drag events (shows, story hours) has a grooming effect. We can debate the extent to which that is the intention (although the intention is at minimum to normalize the behavior), but if you don't think all of the bright clothes, makeup, hair, lights, and bombastic behavior can have an impression on young children, you know zero about young children. And before someone goes down the red herring about whether or not you can turn a kid gay, not all drag queens are gay. For many it is a lifestyle in and of itself.
  18. jerryskids

    Do Democrats Want Illegal Immigrants To Vote?

    I had cabbage at dinner. At home. With corned beef. I recall saying this to you. I didn't insult your wife. I insulted you. You were a d1ck to TNG, own it and stop being a poosay.. I have no sketchy past with TNG, she will confirm this. Have a great night!
  19. I'd lean into it. Also you are in LA; like Phoenix, there is basically no weather. Do some research on monsoons and haboobs, and go full frontal weather on his ass. You might need his help in the zombie apocalypse, after all.
  20. jerryskids

    Do Democrats Want Illegal Immigrants To Vote?

    Divorced only twice? My bad. Third time is hopefully a charm. And I didn't say I was going to a baseball game. I said I had been at one. I was admittedly confused as to why somebody would think "going to dinner" would mean leaving the house. I forgot who I was chatting with. Perhaps your latest wife doesn't cook? Too busy with cats? Still a nice comment to TNG, congrats, winning$#@!
  21. jerryskids

    Do Democrats Want Illegal Immigrants To Vote?

    You still think "going to dinner" means leaving your house? Thrice divorced guy would probably think that. Nice comment to TNG, you should be proud.
  22. jerryskids

    Do Democrats Want Illegal Immigrants To Vote?

    Nice, you sure showed her, center-right guy.
  23. Bummer that Hamas is going to take anything of value that comes into Gaza, like they have for the past 20+ years. And then the western Left will blame Israel for denying aid. Rinse and repeat.
  24. jerryskids

    Pope Francis 🤪

    Also, I googled this since weepaws is allergic to links. As usual, it doesn't represent the situation.
  25. jerryskids

    Pope Francis 🤪

    No link? Hippy surfer cult leader from SoCal fondled young boys in his cult. I don't need a link.