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Everything posted by jerryskids

  1. jerryskids

    Mr. Steak=GUTTERBOY

    I have in my mind that I used to know, but it has the same meter reading.
  2. jerryskids

    Go Sacramento!

    Is this a Pao Gasol reference?
  3. The only way to be successful at a small business is to dedicate your life to it. Ask sawilson. If your idea were a money machine like you hope, somebody in the business would most likely have done it long ago. Not trying to dissuade you, just giving you my opinion.
  4. jerryskids

    Breaking: Bush says something I totally agree with!

    I'm not sure this is technically true. Does anyone know?
  5. jerryskids

    I'll tell you what I think about you

    I'll um, well... er, OK.
  6. jerryskids

    Mr. Steak=GUTTERBOY

    This is not registering on my care-o-meter.
  7. jerryskids

    I just put Keith Hernandez in my mouth!

    I think that is encouraged behavior in Massachusetts.
  8. jerryskids

    I'll tell you what I think about you

    I actually would have said good things about you but that wasn't in the spirit of my post. Also it is a compliment to your wife and your ability to get her. So we're good on the meth planting thing now, right?
  9. The trick is to do an OBJECTIVE business plan. I've done several for work where basically we were subconsciously trying to justify our project. Doesn't work. You need to estimate what the available market is, what they'll pay, production/supply/marketing/overhead/etc. costs, etc. I'd guess that you would soon have to get into editing to justify any price that would sustain a business.
  10. jerryskids

    I'll tell you what I think about you

    Post a pretend picture of how you are a hot chick and you'll solidify that position.
  11. jerryskids

    Osama Bin Laden hates american for one reason only

    I think my summary was more accurate, but I'll play along. What is hypocritical about trying to spread the teachings of Jesus? That is what Christians are supposed to do. I'm still on the killing of babies thing as a point of context for your response btw.
  12. jerryskids

    Go Sacramento!

    Nobody could have foreseen her posting a mistake in ginormous red italic font.
  13. jerryskids

    Osama Bin Laden hates american for one reason only

    You were saying that religion should tolerate the killing of innocent babies. HTH
  14. First I would learn to spell "niche." Otherwise, sounds cool. A decade ago I read a book called "Entrepreneurship for the Nineties" for my MBA. Very fast and practical read. I presume it has been updated a bazillion times since then.
  15. jerryskids

    I'll tell you what I think about you

    kutulu -- poop fan TerrySilver -- welcher Jim Mora -- crappy coach family, but agrees on toaster oven so zmanzzzz -- utterly worthless mmm...beer -- Clubbed his wife and married her while she was unconscious bloodninja -- bails on scheduled meets bigmarc27 -- needs more posts sawilson -- Did I mention zmanzzzz is utterly worthless? Glad I could help pick up the slack!
  16. jerryskids

    Keith Hernandez spanked by Mets for sexist comment

    Can size of dugout massage therapist chick?
  17. jerryskids

    I'll admit that I'm hooked on this song.

    You and all of your sub-aliai may move to the top of my "which poster should get banned" list soon.
  18. jerryskids

    I'll tell you what I think about you

    naomi seems to be gone for the day, should I pick up the slack?
  19. jerryskids

    Go Sacramento!

    Aren't we being the high-maintenance internet frined today?
  20. jerryskids

    Self indulgent phillybear playoffs gambling thread

    I gotta tell you bro, I was pulling for you. Even when it was evident that the Suns had the game (which is what I really cared about), I was working thru scenarios where the Lakers would foul, then miss, then foul again. I'd have pulled my hair out if I had money on it.
  21. jerryskids

    Go Sacramento!

    I notice you often say a month but not a year. Anyway, you would never remove me from such a list because I point out when you fock up on a subject that you have such an interest in.
  22. jerryskids

    Fattest guy ever

    We use Silk and one other brand, can't think of the name. Think it depends on what store my wife goes to on that trip. I can't say I've noticed it taste/smell bad. Oh well, yet another thing to build up my immune system.
  23. jerryskids

    Go Sacramento!

    You didn't say what "list" I was being removed from.
  24. jerryskids

    Self indulgent phillybear playoffs gambling thread

    I've never bet baseball, but I've heard "experts" say to only bet underdogs if you think they have an advantage. The payout isn't good enough to justify the risk on a favorite in the same situation. Also, I watched the Suns game yesterday with your 7 pt spread in mind. Why would you ever bet on the NBA? The exact final margin is often not indicative of the dominance of the winner.
  25. jerryskids

    Go Sacramento!

    Not sure if that is good or bad.