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Joey Gladstone

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Everything posted by Joey Gladstone

  1. Joey Gladstone

    Cuuuut it Ouuuuuut!

    Cuuuuuut it Ouuuuuut!
  2. Joey Gladstone

    Cuuuut it Ouuuuuut!

    I'm a badass hockey player
  3. Joey Gladstone

    Worst team in the league this year?

    I have to go with KC. I see them winning maybe 4 games and finishing behind Oakland in the West. O-line was their staple and it has eroded mightily. Who cares if LJ, Priest, or M. Bennett is carrying the ball, it won't matter. They won some games with Damon Huard behind center, but I don't see them getting that lucky again. And what the hell are they smoking/snorting/injecting to count on Brodie Croyle as their QB of the future?! N-word please! Their WR's also suck, though I do see Bowe having a good career down the road. Edwards did improve the defense last year but they still aren't that good, at least not enough to compensate for the pile of dung their offense is turning into. I like Herm Edwards as a man and all, but he's going to be jobless by the end of the year. Also, expect to see Chicago, Indy and to a lesser degree New Orleans fall back down to earth this year.
  4. Joey Gladstone

    What's with all the Greg Olsen hype.

    I credit it mostly to the Miami Hurricane TE pedigree. He'll suck this year, who knows after that.
  5. Joey Gladstone

    Marshall Faulk is an Idiot

    Well going to 4 straight SB's IS impressive, even if they didn't win one. And we all know they SHOULD have won the first one. Excuse a tv personality for trying to be different. He could have easily gone the vanilla route and said the Steelers or the Niners. At least he showed some balls. He got you to make a topic about in on this forum didn't he?
  6. Joey Gladstone

    Who is the one player

    Peyton Manning- I find drafting a QB in the first round to be utterly retarded. Larry Johnson- The Chiefs will be a disaster this year, Edwards can say Bye-bye to being an NFL head coach again Baltimore D- some douche always picks them up in like the 5th round. I avoid any D that can't be taken in the last two rounds Jerramy Stevens- A complete waste of talent, a lost cause TO- Just can't be trusted. Plaxico- Unless he drops really far. Shades of Stevens and TO. The only whiny b!tch on a roster full of whiny b!tches that doesn't have the game to back it up.
  7. Joey Gladstone

    Cuuut it Ouuuut!

    Please discuss amongst yourselves. Thank You Where is the Scissor emoticon?
  8. Joey Gladstone

    Cuuut it Ouuuut!

    Me and Sagat were both nailing her.
  9. Joey Gladstone

    Cuuut it Ouuuut!

    Cuuuut it Ouuuuuuuuuut!
  10. Joey Gladstone

    Hey TNG

    Hopefully she just doesn't use it on her anus on days she eats Taco Bell.
  11. Joey Gladstone

    What is one thing you are confident that

    Cuuuut it Ouuuutuuut!
  12. Joey Gladstone

    Song above game

    Thong Song - Sisqo
  13. Joey Gladstone

    #1 Bust this year.....

    Nope. Biggest but this year by FAR will be Larry Johnson. In fact I see the Chiefs as a potential candidate for next years #1 Draft Pick. They're going to finish behind the Raiders in the AFC West.
  14. Joey Gladstone

    Brilliant bumper sticker

    I saw an awesome bumper sticker today. It said: Cuuuut it Ouuuuut!
  15. Joey Gladstone

    Hey TNG

    Wait! Do you use the Rabbit on your Vaj or your anus? That would make a big difference on crossing the line between hotness and grossness. <---- Hey one finger away from a shocker!!
  16. Joey Gladstone

    Maurice Jones-Drew? Is this dude gonna be the deal?

    He'll split with Freddy and Jones, he'll still be pretty good. Not as good as last year. He's a cute lil guy
  17. Joey Gladstone

    Damn Sexy Poopah

    That's hot, me likes the junk in the trunk! Cuuuut it Ouuuuut!
  18. Joey Gladstone

    Cuuut it Ouuuut!

    Dude! You should hear my Popeye! A GU GU GU GU! Whoooooaa!
  19. Joey Gladstone

    Shaun Alexander

    You are really overthinking that too much. If he stays healthy SA is a lock for 1200 yards and 12 touchdowns for at least another 2-3 years.
  20. Joey Gladstone

    Shaun Alexander

    Seattle homer here. He could be the #1 back, but he wont match the #'s he put up in 2005. I think the line will be better then last year, but it's still not that good. I see them passing more with the emergence of DJ Hackett as a top 20 WR. He's has NEVER been hurt before last year, and even that injury was pretty minor for the time he missed. I'd feel a lot safer taking him over guys like Gore and LJ
  21. Joey Gladstone

    When do you stop taking the best player

    Only when it comes to Running backs my friend. You can never fill your roster with too many of them