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Everything posted by TimHauck

  1. Local volunteer fire chief is grateful for all the help but says the additional traffic of all the people coming is “compromising their infrastructure” https://www.facebook.com/100066315471984/posts/pfbid0TC1FssLHC4Q5DcLFrVtB2uw2Y6s8kfRJ6HQ4bdEHM2sKbjAx6widQAUjYTeVmbtul/?app=fbl
  2. TimHauck

    VP Debate: Vance vs Walz

    For calling someone a dummy? If it was for calling someone a dummy, lol at saying “relatively” mild. You and pretty much everyone here have posted stuff 10x worse. It is odd that Mike seems to rarely visit here, yet Gutter gets banned or suspended more than anyone else despite not really posting anything worse than anyone else. Would certainly suggest some thin skinned life loser is repeatedly reporting him. My bet is on one of a couple other people with multiple aliases - @F1erce / @Djgb13 / @Vyse / @Stryker Ryker / @WhiskeyCash or @Horseman / @Jose M / @RogerDodger / think he’s got one more that I’m forgetting, both of which who consistently post far worse stuff than Gutter.
  3. TimHauck

    Downfall of mainstream media

    Interesting data points
  4. Another solid piece from Tyler Oliveira showcasing the friendly nature of the Haitians and positive impact they have made in America, this time in Charleroi, PA.
  5. This guy claims to have knocked on the doors of Rue’s properties and found Haitians, but considering he opened the article by claiming he “found dogs and cats on grills” by linking to Rufo’s piece, I’m a bit skeptical. And if by some small chance Rue is actually renting to Haitians, that would almost certainly disprove the narrative that the Haitians are bad neighbors, considering the properties are directly adjacent to Rue’s family business. https://im1776.com/springfield-investigation/
  6. TimHauck

    Downfall of mainstream media

    I do own a home. I was saying I previously owned one in a neighborhood where several homes were purchased by “Wall Street.” The HOA tried to pass a bylaw that would not allow homes to be rented out for the first year that they were owned (maybe 2, can’t remember) in order to prevent it from happening more (although @shorepatrol thought the Wall Street companies wouldn’t care about that, what an idiot that guy is). The majority of the homes being bought and rented out by Wall Street companies are NOT being rented out to illegal immigrants, that’s laughable. Thank you for bringing up crossover. I’ve acknowledged that illegal immigrants could have some impact on prices in certain areas that got a ton of illegal immigrants. But my main point was that prices went up at similar rates pretty much everywhere (other than in places that were dying, like Springfield before the Haitians arrived) and yet illegal immigrants really only increased significantly in certain areas of the country. There is very little crossover in real estate prices when comparing completely different metro areas, so if you want to blame illegal immigration for increased housing costs, it can only be blamed in areas that actually got a lot of illegal immigrants, yet obviously there are tons of areas that saw huge price increases despite an insignificant number of additional illegal immigrants. And again, the steep rise in prices really started in 2020. Which happened to be when illegal immigration went way down due to Covid (and of course was before Biden and Harris “opened the borders”). So yet another data point for illegal immigration not being the main driver for recent home price increases.
  7. Wasn’t blocked by FEMA, sounds like it was local cops
  8. Yup, never said it wasn’t. A state run by a lib governor even.
  9. WhErE iS tHe GoVeRnMeNt?1?!!?
  10. Who said everything was fine? What even local Republican politicians are saying is that a lot is being done by both the government and the community. But it’s pretty much the worst storm the area has ever seen, it’s going to take time.
  11. WhErE iS tHe GoVeRnMeNt?1?!!?
  12. 1) They’re not being ignored 2) Buncombe County (home to Asheville, 60% for Biden in 2020) has as much population as like 4 or 5 of the other impacted counties combined 3) I’d still bet that even outside of Buncombe, in terms of property damage at least, it’s not mostly MAGA folks with the most damage. A lot of the damage occurred in expensive homes near lakes and rivers of transplanted retirees and vacation homes that are probably a mixture of political leanings. I’m sure there was plenty of damage to area native’s properties as well but the worst impact to them might be the roads that were destroyed cutting them off from going anywhere.
  13. Do you admit the $750 isn’t a loan?
  14. I was saying you thought the $750 payments are loans, which is a lie.
  15. lol even digby’s own side thinks he‘s an idiot
  16. One volunteer was threatened with arrest, by a town fire department assistant chief, nothing to do with the federal government.
  17. Here is the part about loans, but homeowners can get up to $200k for that. https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/sba-loans-disaster-recovery
  18. Additional link here, nothing about it being a loan: https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_ia-quick-reference_serious-needs.pdf Gonna admit you lied?
  19. Yes, I already posted proof that the $750 isn’t a loan. The people saying that were pulling quotes from a different section. Gonna admit you lied?
  20. The $750 isn’t a loan. And I’d say there’s about a 0.1% chance a FEMA director got beat up. But keep believing everything you read on Tik Tok