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Everything posted by TimHauck

  1. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    Gotta believe the narrative
  2. Reading social media, it seems like the biggest legitimate issue with the Haitians in Springfield is them causing car accidents (such as the one in the link @jonnyutah shared earlier). Followed by the duck eating issue. Violent crime does not really appear to be on the list of complaints from residents. Probably worth noting that it seems like many of the immigrants are working, as that is why they are there to begin with - from what I can tell businesses in the area brought them there to work in the various manufacturing plants in the area which is pretty centrally located, so the complaint of “they’re just here collecting tax money and not contributing anything” can not be used in this scenario.
  3. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    Many homophobes are saying that. Based on a quote from his dad who did not say that
  4. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with my work here, but I’d wager that I post the most data of anyone here, and I enjoy analyzing it. I also plan to vote for Trump. But I also think the fearmongering about the border is overblown, and the issues that are there are not completely Biden/Harris’s fault. So considering people are blaming crime on “Biden/Harris’s open border,” yes I’d say it’s relevant when these alleged offenders entered the country. Nonetheless, let’s have a look at the data you shared. Thank you for doing that by the way, that’s more than most others do here. “Violent crime” is broken down into 4 categories: Homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Here is the percent change vs 2020 for reports of each: Homicide: -25% (8 to 6) Rape: +12% (52 to 58) Robbery: +27% (107 to 136) It is being alleged that there are up to 20k Haitians in Springfield which previously had a population of 60k. Source: https://nypost.com/2024/07/10/us-news/ohio-city-facing-significant-housing-crisis-due-to-migrant-influx/ If the remainder of the population is flat then that would mean the population has increased by 33%, higher than the rate of increase in those 3 types of crime, with homicides of course being down. But wait, you said it was up 110%. Oh yeah, forgot aggravated assault. Those increased by 197% (171 to 507). Wow, that’s quite the increase, I wonder if there’s something else going on there, maybe a change in how those are defined? Well whaddaya know, there was: (Police captain) Moos said that high percentage is not valid, “We have an uptick in violent crime, but that statistic Is directly related to the way data is collected with regard to aggravated assault.What happens is it looks at whether a weapon was just simple present, or someone was injured or both.” In 2020, the city used a different data gathering system, under which aggravated assault meant a person was assaulted, a weapon was used, and the victim sustained an injury. Source: https://dayton247now.com/news/local/springfield-sees-an-uptick-in-violent-crime-but-officials-say-51-increase-is-invalid Let me know when you’d like to apologize, @jonnyutah
  5. And you think all the increase in crime in 2021 and 2022 was from immigrants that entered after Biden was inaugurated?
  6. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    So you think it’s a fact that the Georgia shooter is trans because he has long dyed blonde hair, got it
  7. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    No comment about @Tree of Knowledge’s lie? lol, you’re such a sheep
  8. TimHauck

    Another School Shooting

    Bump for @Tree of Knowledge
  9. Data only goes through 2022, and rise starts in 2020, so if it’s being blamed on immigrants it must have started before Biden
  10. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    lol you’re such a sheep
  11. I imagine a lot of federal employees would be. But I guess you could argue many of them (such as @Cdub100) are idiots
  12. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    The shooter is still at large dummy. If you think they wouldn’t have immediately released the name as soon as they knew no matter what then you’re retarded.
  13. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    lol you’re such a sheep
  14. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    What’s your excuse for the other 8,000 times he’s posted tweets about trannies in threads that have nothing to do with them?
  15. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    Have you ever asked that of @Maximum Overkill when he posts about trannies in virtually every thread, hypocrite?
  16. TimHauck

    I-75 Shooting

    So he’s not a tranny?
  17. TimHauck

    Another School Shooting

  18. TimHauck

    Another School Shooting

    I guess they got their hands on the Discord screenshots like @Horseman
  19. TimHauck

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    Do you think your apartment complex will be taken over by migrant gangs if Harris wins?
  20. TimHauck

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    Ha apparently even Trump is doing it, but I guess this is pretty typical for a campaign ad
  21. TimHauck

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    I like how people like Elon are fearmongering and implying that Venezuelan gangs are going to take over all the apartments in the country. In reality the actual complexes in question (which appear to not even have been “taken over”) had already been plagued with crime for years.