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Everything posted by TimHauck

  1. One thing I’ll say about my Facebook in particular, is that while I have a few friends who like to share crazy right wing conspiracy links, it’s only my liberal friends that wrote things like “if you vote for Trump I want you out of my life, even if you’re family.” Saw that probably at least 5 times leading up to the election. While most of my conservative friends will still argue with them, at the end of the day they don’t really care what other people’s political leanings are.
  2. TimHauck

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    Ah, the guy with the "communist tattoo"" that turned out to actually be some symbol from a video game
  3. TimHauck

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    Aren't you the one that keeps whining about Biden getting the most votes in history?
  4. TimHauck

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    So just to be clear...Biden got more votes because fraud, and Trump got more votes because he's the best?
  5. this seems to be it. Took a quick look and don't see many people caring, just articles claiming they do. The blue blazer picture is better IMO, but she did know that the other picture was supposed to be going on the inside at least...
  6. TimHauck

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    LOL came here to see if that had been posted. BUT BUT HE LET THEM IN!
  7. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/11/covid-california-latino-cases-inequality Article confirming Hispanics are making up majority of covid cases/deaths in California
  8. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    What’s SOTS2021?
  9. TimHauck

    Traitor Pence

  10. Here was your post To which I asked the question “so are you saying the cops were in on it?” It’s okay, I asked the same question to a couple other people who dodged it as well.
  11. Yeah this is not good. Much worse than Trump being banned from twitter.
  12. I thought the ban was to “prevent further incitement of violence,” not necessarily claiming the first one was his fault (I’ve actually stated I don’t think it was his fault). In fact I believe Zuckerberg specifically stated his reason was more because Trump “condoned rather than condemned” after it happened.
  13. TimHauck

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    I’m not sure what’s more stupid: -Plotting to kill the Vice President -or actually thinking that he has the power to change election results in the first place
  14. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2021/01/06/washington-dc-protest-twitter-facebook-silence-donald-trump/6569864002/ “These are the things that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly and unfairly treated for so long”
  15. TimHauck

    Looking Ahead to Redrafts 2021: First Four Rounds

    Agree especially on Akers - I was kinda knocking him in that other thread, but that was more in like the 2nd round. I’d definitely take him in the 4th, but he could be gone by then. Taylor in the first round feels high to me. He had a nice stretch run but that was pretty TD dependent. He only had 100+ rush yards once through the first 14 weeks and 4 games under 30 rushing yards. I’d probably put a couple more WR’s in the first round but would likely also take Jacobs or Robinson ahead of him. But yeah almost all these RB’s make me nervous. I feel like I may just draft a bunch of RB’s in round 4-8 or so.
  16. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Couple things: Yes, murders are up (and not just in democratic cities). But a lot of other types of crime could end up being down. A lot of the murder spikes didn’t really happen until the summer so it doesn’t look like it like was due to the stay at home orders. Maybe some impact from job losses and such but much of that would’ve happened with or without government restrictions. If it was anything in particular, my guess would probably be some secondary effect of the protests/less policing. Nonetheless, there were about 16k murders in the US in 2019. Even if they increase 50% (last I saw they were up less than 40%), that’s an increase of 8k, or about a week of covid deaths. https://www.vox.com/2020/8/3/21334149/murders-crime-shootings-protests-riots-trump-biden
  17. TimHauck

    Trump does something right

    I don’t think this thread is “TDS.” This might be though - https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/christinebrennan/2021/01/07/medal-freedom-annika-sorenstam-gary-player-shame-golf-honor/6585275002/
  18. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    But that’s not what some of these guys are saying. For the most several of them seem to be claiming that everyone that died would have died this year anyway, which is simply not true. And some also don’t think it’s causing a strain on the medical system because they saw a video of an empty hospital or nurses dancing in some other country
  19. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    So do you think the fact that total deaths are up ~385k+ vs 2019 is cooked too?
  20. TimHauck

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    So 2 is greater than 1, correct?
  21. TimHauck

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    Yeah, can you count or read? The article lists like 17 people. 2 of those were killed by police (not Dorn).
  22. TimHauck

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    Wasn’t it only 1 at the Capitol building? (https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/07/us/capitol-mob-deaths/index.html) I see 2 in the first article I clicked on from 6/8 (although both allegedly had guns either pointed or shooting at officers) - https://www.fox6now.com/news/deadly-unrest-here-are-the-people-who-have-died-amid-george-floyd-protests-across-us