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Everything posted by BunnysBastatrds

  1. BunnysBastatrds

    I need geek help

    James Lee Burke is one the greatest authors around today. He is an Edgar Award winning author (Black Cherry Blues). His Dave Robicheaux Series is crime fiction/mystery. Very good reading. I would start from the beginning, The Neon Rain. Black Cherry Blues, Dixie City Jam and Burning Angel are my favorites. Clete Purcel is the side kick. Clete Purcel is the sh!t!!!!
  2. BunnysBastatrds

    Iam thinking of committing bored suicide

    I tried suey once when my "What's the vilest joke you know" thread got removed and reposted the same topic after I was dared to do it. Nothing is worse than being a failure. Mike, like God, has a since of humor.
  3. BunnysBastatrds


    I knew there were Others.
  4. BunnysBastatrds

    Godfather question

    Read the book. It's a much better read than watching the movie. Like most books.
  5. BunnysBastatrds

    Vince Offer punches prostitute

    I hear some black dudes go down on them.
  6. We the viewer got whacked. We loved watching everyone else get killed. Perfect irony that we were the last to get it.
  7. BunnysBastatrds

    Should welfare recipients be drug tested?

    We have spent over 100 Trillion dollars on the war on poverty since the sixties and what has it gotten us? More poverty? Big business has provided jobs and pay taxes. They produce. I live in one of the biggest welfare cities in the country. I have seen what generational welfare does to families. It destroys them. When you rely on the goverment for anything, the outcome is never good. Example. Katrina hit on 8/29/05. The end of the month. A lot people were waiting for their welfare checks and food stamps. Many wouldn't evacuate because they were waiting for their checks. Those checks never came and they suffered because of it. Had they saved a little money over time, relying on themselves, they would have been better off not needing to rely on those checks. They would have made better decisions and evacuated like most. They relied on goverment and we all know what happend.
  8. BunnysBastatrds

    Do you think MikeFF Today really has 21 girlfriends?

    No. But he has 72 virgins waiting for him.
  9. BunnysBastatrds

    How Obama ruined the Easter Egg roll...

    He beacame the President?
  10. BunnysBastatrds

    Best root beer?

    Barqs Root Beer They also make the best cream soda.
  11. BunnysBastatrds

    Do you think it's safe to say that Miley Cyrus is

    The rythm method? "Don't break our ryhthm, our achy breakin rhythm, I jusat don't think you'd......."
  12. BunnysBastatrds

    New Math

    Fun math site. http://www.morenewmath.com/all/
  13. BunnysBastatrds

    What is your favorite...

    You know why the Go-Gos can't have sex? "Alex the seal"
  14. BunnysBastatrds

    Little things that may vex only you

    When drivers get to a bridge they slow down instead of maintaining speed or speed up. Driving in the left lane. I know this is a given but I see it more and more. On the phone talking in the fast lane. I have begun getting in front of them and slowing down. It's A lot. Not alot. If you kill a bug in the house, pick it up. Don't leave it for me. It's dead. It can't hurt you anymore. Honking your horn more than twice when picking someone up. Black people tend to do this a lot.
  15. BunnysBastatrds

    I earned the mother of all suspensions

    That's some fawked up sh!t right there.
  16. BunnysBastatrds

    Name something that you can't prove, but it sure seems like it.

    What do you mean " But since we can't grow sugar"? Louisiana has hundreds of thousands of acres of suragcane fields. I used to bang a chick from Raceland, La in her dads sugarcane field. I can't prove it, but steroids in chickens are causing girls t!ts to get bigger.
  17. BunnysBastatrds

    What is your favorite...

    My friend swore it was "Dirty knees an da thunder chief"
  18. BunnysBastatrds

    My Vegas horror story

    There I sit at 1st base already down $200........ You should have hung with a cheap ###### in Vegas instead. Being down $200.00 to them and sitting on first base would be a real kick in the nutz!
  19. BunnysBastatrds

    Not to Go All

    Cops are lied to every damn day. Guees he shouldn't ever think he may be being lied to? Everyone tells the truth when trying to get out of a ticket right. And police do order people out of the vehicle when there are two or more occupants and the occupants are jumpy or hysterical. When the cop is by himself, standard procedure. Could he have handled it better? Yes.
  20. BunnysBastatrds

    In all honesty

    I don't like many "systems" in this Country, and in the real world, you have to opt into it. Otherwise, you pay for it one way or another. Or others pay it for you by increasing the amount on us because theres not enough in the "system". Thank you Naomi!
  21. BunnysBastatrds

    Cast for Three Stooges Movie announced.

    He's a bad actor in my opinion. Bad Boys and Dead Man Walking were pretty good. I am Sam? Come on? Charlie Murphy could have played that role. And as far as Oscars go, it's all politics.
  22. BunnysBastatrds

    Top Ten Cheap Shots In Sports

    A pretty good list of the top ten cheap shots in sports with video. The website is pretty cool also. http://www.brobible.com/Story/16403
  23. BunnysBastatrds

    In all honesty

    So you don't pay for any taxes other than sales tax, which my young daughter pays when she buys candy with her allowance. You are on a form of welfare. Just because your parents are footing the bill, and not the goverment, you get to use most all of the benefits taxes provide. Grow up and get a S.S. card and get out there and start working. If you go your whole life relying on others because of a stand against S.S., you'll miss out on a lot of opportunities. Like the feeling of indepence and standing on your own. It' quite liberating.