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BunnysBastatrds last won the day on February 10

BunnysBastatrds had the most liked content!

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2,017 Excellent

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About BunnysBastatrds

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Orleans
  • Interests
    Women and Football Music Movies Chunks

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  1. BunnysBastatrds

    I Love This One

    The Cult is on my Mt Rushmore of favorite bands
  2. BunnysBastatrds

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    Hmmm… George H Bush who was Reagan’s VP. The greatest VP of my time. Go eat some tapioca pudding and jerk off to camel toe
  3. BunnysBastatrds

    I Love This One

    https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wall-street-banker-bought-coal-183033882.html Unbelievable
  4. BunnysBastatrds

    *** 2024 Summer Olympics ***

    Ladies hurdles are a fun event. Old joke… I used to use it at bars “Have ever seen ladies hurdlers? No? This is what it looks like nekkid.”. So I would pull up my shirt, grab each side of the hairy fat of my belly button, and go up and down three times and then open it up, and do it,three times.,
  5. BunnysBastatrds

    *** 2024 Summer Olympics ***

    https://youtube.com/shorts/T1tAT9PQq_s?si=GpATbPNqwYxDeCKC Amazing athletes
  6. BunnysBastatrds

    Think there's a finite number of spirits?

    I definitely believe in reincarnation. And I believe there are levels that move up and down as you progress through the one you become. And at same time after you go through the progression, it stops you find peace and serenity. One of the reasons I believe this is Deja vous.
  7. BunnysBastatrds

    Think there's a finite number of spirits?

    Spirits are abound and with us. I hav a drunk ghost in my house that turns off ceiling fans and blows and whispers in my ears every fawking night. And drinks my schnapps.
  8. BunnysBastatrds

    We Need A Wash This Political BS Is Getting Old

    Iron Head Hayward. I once was ata Mc Donald’s and saw him eat a baker’s dozen of zig Macs in one sittig
  9. BunnysBastatrds

    Tuesdays Are Important Days

    Election Days 9/11 For me, Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras Day) And so many more
  10. BunnysBastatrds

    *** 2024 Summer Olympics ***

  11. BunnysBastatrds

    *** 2024 Summer Olympics ***

    I’ll watch. It for a lot of sports. Wemens gymnastics for sure. Sycronized swimming, diving, and quite a few more.
  12. BunnysBastatrds

    Who Is Kamala
