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BunnysBastatrds last won the day on December 25 2024

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About BunnysBastatrds

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    FF Geek

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    New Orleans
  • Interests
    Women and Football Music Movies Chunks

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  1. BunnysBastatrds

    ***The Official Official Chain Restaurant Draft***

  2. BunnysBastatrds

    Who is the most hated Geek?

    No one. All bring something good and bad
  3. BunnysBastatrds

    The History Of Liberals

    Thank you for the beer Nomadic hunter/gatherers for the beer
  4. BunnysBastatrds

    Single…Go To Home Depot To meet A Ho

    You left out me
  5. BunnysBastatrds

    Single…Go To Home Depot To meet A Ho

    You left out the most important depot. The one you want to seed.
  6. BunnysBastatrds

    Single…Go To Home Depot To meet A Ho

    The do it yourself stores are replacing the the produce department at your local grocery store. Horny wemens are on the prowl. My friend that works at Lowe’s, young lady, says she laughs all day.
  7. BunnysBastatrds

    Saturday Night Live

    I laughed out loud more times than I can count last night watching the very first episode. The music one prior was excellent. Looking forward to tonight.
  8. BunnysBastatrds

    In Honor Of St Valentine Day…

    …let’s play rose see are red and violets are blue Roses are, red, violets are blue, Im fawking crazy and so are some of you
  9. BunnysBastatrds

    Thanks to illegal alien dbags we all pay more for insurance

    I hated working uninsured driver claims. Those files would be on desk weeks,months. And the majority of them, illegal aliens. And half of them were drunk and not held accountable for what they did. Then I’d have a claim where Pedro would have another bad accident whilst wasted. Example: I was in my shed doing laundry and i heard the loudest noise. I knew it was an accident, a bad one. I ran out and told my ex to cal 911. When I got to the scene across the street in the neutral ground, two dead Mexicans, the other that them and killed them when the PU they hit were killed instantly when they wrapped it around an oak tree. And three other Mexican illegals in the truck that caused it, ran. I Found after the investigation, they were all cousins that were drinking playing bingo trying to race each other. I’ll never forget the look on their dead faces. Still haunts me to this day. They made bail and fled home. The truck them went into a house that was being built. No insurance.
  10. BunnysBastatrds

    Let’s Talk About Our Beloved Pets Again

    I really love and enjoy hearing how ours and other pets get their names. I’ve had so many, I laugh at what we named them. Just crazy how they got te name. Had a huge black cat I named Voodoo. And countless others. I guess we read their personalities differently. I loved naming our children. My pets are our children.
  11. BunnysBastatrds

    Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr about to be confirmed now!

    I know. I feel the same. I’ve learned to try and trust our instincts and our common sense. It’s getting harder and harder, but for some reason, I still have trust in the powers that be to do the right thing for the people. As JFK said in his inaugural speech, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” Very powerful words that seem to be forgotten. I agree with your statement. Very much. George W Bush was asked once if he trusted the government, he replied “Im in the government and I don’t trust it”.
  12. BunnysBastatrds

    Man dies after getting stuck in Las Vegas palm tree

    Sometimes you feel like a nut, mounds don’t
  13. BunnysBastatrds

    Let’s Talk About Our Beloved Pets Again

    They have nine lives left
  14. BunnysBastatrds

    Man dies after getting stuck in Las Vegas palm tree

    Reminds me of mad cow disease syndrome
  15. BunnysBastatrds

    Trump and Russia- a time for optimism

    No need to. Your not nearly intelligent enough.