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Everything posted by BunnysBastatrds

  1. What happens when a vinegar truck and a water truck collide? John Kerry.......
  2. BunnysBastatrds

    The Obama-Limbaugh stimulus package...

    Exactly. But the media tells them otherwise, so they will never "Listen". Every liberal I know wanted Bush to fail on his abortion policies, tax policies, stem cell policies, social security policies, healthcare policies, education policies, medicare and medicaid policies, foreign policies, foreign aid policies, global warming policies, war policies (funny how we weren't really at war until Obama won) and every oyther policy he brought up. Every judge, cabinet member, or appointment he offered was never good enough unless they were liberal. Newsflash- He's a conservative (sort of) that was elected to be conservative. Just as Obama was elected to be a libeal. F*awking idiots!!! I want his liberal ideas to fail also. Come to new Orleans and see what thirty plus years of liberal leadership has done. The dems in the House knew if they opposed these policies, they had a chance to take back control, and they did. They wanted him to FAIL! If Bush said he wanted to add another MLK holiday for his birth, they would have opposed it because it shouldn't be proposed by a republican! It's good when both sides debate the future. It's bad when all they do is fight to stay in power, as has been the case the dems lost in 1994. It's not your God given right to run the show.
  3. BunnysBastatrds

    Is this place still alive?

    They don't take kindly to strangers with funny names!
  4. BunnysBastatrds

    Democrats Launch Petition Against Rush Limbaugh...

    The begining of the so called "Fairness Doctrine". If I was Limbaugh or Hannity, I would hire a circus monkey to come in once an hour and give the liberal commentary. Have them smoke cigarettes and play scratch-offs. That's about what's going on now.
  5. BunnysBastatrds

    GCCOBR Beer Review: Shock Top

    If you like wheat beers, Abita has one that is pretty good. Abita has a lot of good beers. Turbo Dog is really good. I have seen it many places outside of New Orleans. From Abita- Turbodog is a dark brown ale brewed with Willamette hops and a combination of pale, crystal and chocolate malts. This combination gives Turbodog its rich body and color and a sweet chocolate toffee-like flavor. Turbodog began as a specialty ale but has gained a huge loyal following and has become one of our flagship brews. This ale pairs well with most meats and is great served with hamburgers or sausages. It is a good match with smoked fish and can even stand up to wild game dishes. Turbodog is also great for marinating and braising meats and cooking such things as cabbage and greens. Colby, Gloucester, Cheddar and Blue cheeses go nicely with Turbodog. It’s perfect with spicy Louisiana jambalaya or Spanish paella. Some even like it paired with chocolate!
  6. Yeah, somebody beside you has to pay for med school! There is a cap on how much one can sue the airline. Even if you die in a plane crash, there is a set amount that is awarded. This was done by Congress to protect the airline industry from lawyers. The same goes for injury while on board, whether the plane crashes or not. It's capped out, and these passengers wanting to sue and capitilize on this incident know it. They and their attorneys are trying to play this out in public. If the airline is not at fault, which it doesn't appear that it is, they will get the minimum set cap for whatever injuries, property lossed, and lost wages for this incident. They aren't hitting the jackpot like I know some of them belived while being ferried back to land. And that makes me smile. Be happy you get to kiss your kids again, and worry about how you pay for their med school later.
  7. BunnysBastatrds

    Cholesterol Levels

    I just had my "forty year old" exam. 250 cholesterol total. Not good, but not bad living in New Orleans. 190 is the cut off level for it being a problem according to her. (Can size-C ) I asked the doctor what's the worst she has ever seen. "845. Dead man walking!" There is a fish oil that a friend of mine takes. It has lowered hers 100 points in six months along with moderate excercise.
  8. BunnysBastatrds

    How Do You Plan to Spend Your FF Winnings?

    1-Diamond Ring for the Mrs. 2-A room at the Hard Rock. 3-Pissed the rest of it away on booze.
  9. BunnysBastatrds

    15 Coolest Cities in N. America

    New Orleans is a very cool city to visit. There is always something going on. Jazz Fest, Mardi Gras, , too many festivals to name, The French Quarter, the best food and restaurants in the world, The Saints and Hornets, and all the booze and horny out of towners you can handle. If you have never been to New Orleans for the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Fest, make it a priority. This years line-up is incredible. You get a taste of all the great food with over sixty food tents. www.jazzfest.com or www.nola.com.
  10. BunnysBastatrds

    Can K. Warner get any respect?

    He's in!!! McNabb out!
  11. BunnysBastatrds

    Skanks Of The NFL

    They all look old and don't know what sunscreen is. Too damn skinny also. It should be the Pro Bowl Cheerleader M.I.L.F.'s of the N.F.L.
  12. BunnysBastatrds

    Skanks Of The NFL

    http://www.faniq.com/blog/Pro-Bowl-Cheerle...Best-Blog-17483 All but two....Skanks!
  13. BunnysBastatrds

    Possible cure for alcoholism

    This ones for you! http://www.cnbc.com/id/28561896 The prices are fawking astonishing.
  14. BunnysBastatrds

    Welcome to the Geek Club, home of

    I should, but I'm not.
  15. BunnysBastatrds

    Golfing partners who suck

    She goes down like your Ravens do; Hard, swallows, and cleans up. The only difference; she wins and goes to the big one!
  16. BunnysBastatrds

    AFC/NFC Title Game prediction thread

    Cardnils 30 Eagles 17 Steelers17 Ravens 13
  17. BunnysBastatrds

    Welcome to the Geek Club, home of

    Mike is GOD. His experiment here, however, is not Godlike.
  18. BunnysBastatrds

    Golfing partners who suck

    Before teeing off, the best player wants to bet. Me being a fifteen handicap and he a two handicap, he only offers two strokes a side, then bitches and moans when you tell him those are very good odds, for him. Nine times out of ten he wins, and the one time I win, he throws a fit. You get paired up with another twosome. No betting, just a fun round of golf. Everyone is having fun, playing well, drinking beer, and are respectful. You get to the back nine and someone suggest a friendly bet. A dollar a hole with carry overs. The other two then turn into evry golfers nightmare. Slow, stand behind you during your drives, walk in your putting line, and even worse, jingle change in their pocket when your trying to sink the winning putt. All of that bullshat to win three dollars.
  19. BunnysBastatrds

    Lost my job today...

    Go back to school! Don't hesitate. Everything happens for a reason and now would be a good time. Having that degree, whatever it may be in, opens many doors that will not be there without it. The biggest mistake I hear from many thirty somethings is that they did not finish college. They apply for a job with five years or more experience, and the kids out of college get them first. If it's only two years, it will be the fastest two years when you get it. The longer you wait, the odds that you get that degree go down. Good luck!
  20. BunnysBastatrds

    Can K. Warner get any respect?

    If Namath gets in, Warner is in!!! If Moon gets in, Warner is in!!! He is in that class! Jim Kelly went to four Super Bowls and lost them all. Warner has won one and been to two. If he makes it after this week, there is no argument left. Warner will be in the HOF!!! And deservingly so! To say otherwise is stooooopid! If the prerequisite is Super Bowls, he's in. He's also only the sixth player in NFL history to win the season MVP and the Super Bowl MVP. That includes your list above. P Manning has one Super Bowl appearance with a win and he's in? I know what he has accomplished. But gettting wins to propel your team in the playoffs is more important than 10+ wins seasons year after year. Manning has lost more playoff games to get his team into contention. Warner has done more than Manning has. Warner is on the verge of sending his team, THE ARIZONA CARDINALS, into the Super Bowl. Name one QB above who can say the same? Those QB's were all on great teams that were around for decades on great teams, before the salary cap. The salary cap is another argument, but you get the picture!
  21. BunnysBastatrds

    Can K. Warner get any respect?

    Warner has done more with less than the two you bring up! If Warner had a Ronnie Lott or anyone of his calliber on the defense, Warner would would have had more championships! Warner is a better QB than Aikman or Manning! Montana had Rice and Taylor. So did Young! And Montana had had great defenses, as did Young! Warner had sh*t! If the Saints wouldn't have recovered that Hakkem fumble in the last seconds of the fourth quarter, the Rams would have gone all the way in '00! I was there for the Saints first playoff win. everyone knew that Warner was going to come back and win that game if it weren't for that fumble! And if you remember, the greatest game leading into the NFC playoffs was that game against the Bucs that same year! The year Shaun King was the rookie QB against the Rams! Warner and King lit it up for what was one of the best games I ever witnessed! Remember that game? Of course you don't! It happend before your first period, and all that has happend before that is forgotten! Warner belongs in the Hall Of Fame! We will see two to three, maybe four, for the last decade get in! Favre is a no brainer. Brady is also. Who's next? Peyton Manning? Probably! Warner won't be first or second ballot. But he deserves it if the likes of Aikman get in! This coming from a Saints fan! And since you replied to my post, yes you idiot! I saw first hand what Montana and Young did, year after year to the Saints! It was the defense that Mora used year after year that caused us to fail Give me Kurt Warner over Bobbie Hebert, and we would have won at least one championship with that defense! But who cares about offense when it's all about the scheme and players?
  22. BunnysBastatrds

    Can K. Warner get any respect?

    You just did stoooopid!!!! Warner is a better QB, a pure QB, than Aikman ever was! Hall Of Fame worthy if he wins the Super Bowl this year!
  23. BunnysBastatrds

    Can K. Warner get any respect?

    Do you think Aikman is a hall of famer? If so, Warner has to be. How about Peyton Manning? Peyton has three MVP's to Warners two. Peyton has one Super Bowl appearence to Warners two. Each has a Super Bowl win. Add in the "Tuck Rule" and St. Louis would have destroyed the Raiders for a second. Belicheat started his cheating ways during that Super Bowl in '01. How about Mc Nabb? One Super Bowl loss and five NFC Championship appearences. Not better than Warner in my opinion. Each has been surronded by good talent. It's about what you do with it. Warner is Hall Of Fame worthy if Troy Aikman is. Warner has four pro bowls to Aikmans 6. Warner has two league MVP's to Aikmans zero. Warner has one Super Bowl MVP ( the same year he won the MVP for the league, only done five other times in NFL history) to Aikmans one. Aikman has three Super Bowls wins to Warners one. Warner does have two appearences in the Super Bowl. Pretty close in my opinion. Warner is a better QB than Aikman was. Just ask Aikman. To all of those who say he is surronded by talent, or it's the system, Aikman is the prime example of someone surronded by talent. But because he's a Cowboy, he get's the nod? If you say that Warner doesn't belong in the Hall Of Fame if he wins the Super bowl this year, your just stuuuuuuupid!
  24. BunnysBastatrds

    ***Official Liqour Thread***

    Theres a new vodka out called Sweet Tea Vodka. It taste just like sweet tea. You can drink it straight up or mix with whatever you like. If you drink it straight up, it's so smooth, you forget your drinking alcohol and get buzzed very quickly. It's only 70 proof, but it packs a punch.
  25. BunnysBastatrds

    Darren Sproles scares the hell outta me

    I just read this article from ESPN, http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs2008...&id=3821223 The Pitt/ SD game looks like it will be the upset special for this weekend. San Diego is going into this game with a lot of confidence. Sproles is a free agent. Big Ben is still not right. Go Bolts!!!