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Posts posted by BunnysBastatrds

  1. 1 hour ago, jerryskids said:

    Awesome!  I'll skip the long story, but we ended up zipping through the area I think you are describing with the globe time line (the evolution of people?) to get to the gems/minerals at the end.  I definitely want to spend time there on my next visit, along with the space section.

    Glad you like the 6Columbus req, if you stay there, let me know how it works out.

    Definitely on the 🥃, let me know.  :thumbsup:   Fair warning:  August and September are very hot here.  End of October through... heck, today it is a dry 90, are much better weather times to visit.  But I'll likely be here if you come, except for a week mid-August when we are doing a fam cruise in Alaska.

     Phoenix doesn’t scare me. Dry heat is way better than a heat index here that reaches 111 with humidity that you can’t see the skyline of Nawlins and you can cut it with the proverbial butter knife 

  2. 22 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

    Not to conflict with Mike's recs/setup, but we were just there a few weeks ago visiting our daughter.  Stayed at a hotel called 6 Columbus, right at Columbus Circle.


    Reasonably priced for NY.  Their sushi restaurant is considered the best in the immediate area, according to my informal pole of a few locals who were in there (it was good).  Next door on one side is a 4.9 rated bagel place with a line out the door every day but worth it; we ate there twice.  On the other side is a Starbucks.  Across the street is a shopping structure and, of course, Central Park.  Columbus Circle subway stop is a large one, right across the street, with multiple trains (1, A, C were ones we all used).

    Also, we did the Natural History Museum.  Awesome stuff.  We were disappointed that the costume section was closed (it was right before the Met Gala, and my daughter is in the fashion industry, it's open now I believe).  But we focused on the ocean, dinosaurs, and gems/minerals, all great.  I love geology stuff, so the gems/minerals was particularly cool for me.

    Have fun!

     Thanks man. Good info. And I haven’t made it past the second floor yet at the Natural History Museum. The first floor was incredible. The dinosaurs amazed me and the globe time  line completely changed me and how I think. I stood there for an hour understanding what and where we came from. Seven billion years of earths history will do that to you.😃

     I love the location of 6Columbus. Subway is right there, the Park, and seeing new places to explore. 

     Also, I’ll be in Phoenix in August or September to meet my birth father and my sister and brother. They live thirty minutes from the main airport there. 


  3. 10 hours ago, Maximum Overkill said:

    I'm dealing with these stupid Japanese Beetles right now. These things are relentless. 

     Did you know that 1/4 of all insect species around the world are beetles?

  4.  Times are a changing now and have been for a decade plus. The young want to be be more like the western world and not have mullah keep them in th seventh century anymore. It was a long time coming, and now they are getting close to the dream their parents have preyed and died for. In my opinion, this is the perfect time for it. I hope they will.

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  5.  If you’re talking about locust molting on the side of your hous, they are not ciadas.The big ones that are black and yellow that look like grass hoppers are. And they do stink. Once a year they show up and they are stoopid. 

     I was in my backyard yesterday and sawr something I’ve never seen before. Kind freaked me out. A cottonwood borer.


     But twice the size of this little guy. I was getting rid of a neighbors poison Ivy vine growing into my yard (I’m not allergic to oak or ivy) and see this. So I picked him up with the pooper scooper and tossed him into the neighbors yard. Live long and prosper 

  6. 1 hour ago, MikeMatt said:

    No, you will get the five star treatment. I hooked Digby up once and will do the same for you if not more. 

     Thanks brother. Drinks are on me.🥃🫣🥳

  7.  Extended it one more day. I have to bring her to the museum of Natural History . Also would like to hear thoughts about your hotels you like for a decent price. My Lady isn’t keen staying in the central Time Square area. Thoughts?
