I'd like to have a serious discussion on legitimate concerns regarding the upcoming Trump presidency. I've got some friends and family who aren't handling this well, much like the 4B and other sky screamers on Tik Tok and the MSDNC.
I would like to have a rational discussion with them, and with you. Doing so IMO involves acknowledging legitimate concerns they may have.
To that end, please state on an actual concern that the Left might have which is potentially valid. I'd like to acknowledge these in such discussions.
Here, I'll start, for @The Real timschochet 's benefit: If Trump institutes the tariffs in the way he's described, it would likely cause a significant increase in prices for a lot of everyday goods. I've argued that this is part of his "art of the deal" to get China to negotiate, but that is my opinion only, so this is a valid concern.
I don't want to limit discussion, but I'll say right now that "he said he'd be a dictator on day one" is dumb and not going to make the cut, since this is childish and has been debunked.
I'll collect rational concerns in the following post.