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The Chandler

Bra - NadGrab trade

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-----Original Message-----

From: Chandler, Chris

Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 3:43 PM

To: 'AndrewWBird@aol.com'

Subject: RE: (no subject)



Okay. I'll give you Jimmy Coke Smith and Robert Edwards and his contract for Troy Hambrick and his contract .


-----Original Message-----

From: AndrewWBird@aol.com [mailto:AndrewWBird@aol.com]

Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 3:03 PM

To: chris@chandler.net

Subject: (no subject)



Yo Bra.

I am interested in acquiring Jimmy "cocaine" Smith. If you happen to

be eliminated from the playoffs and are a smart owner, I have a suggestion.

I will give you a lesser talent and you give me Smith and one of those ****ty

contracts you have.(i.e. Robert Edwards, Az-Hakim, Patrick Jeffers) I will

take the chance Smith puts me over the top this year, and suck up your crap

for next year. What do you have to lose? Let me know what you are thinking.

And, thanks for starting A-Train.



[ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: The Chandler ]

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Commish. Add Jimmy Smith and Robert Edwards to my roster for Troy Hambrick who is now a Bra. To make room for the extra roster spot, put Osama Bin Muhammed on a plane and tell him to look out for objects falling from the sky. I am quite certain he wont catch it.

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Oh, so sorry ****(and ballz) the trade is done. Wish me luck.

Threads... that means you cannot reply, because I called it....wussy

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nice catch ceo. but why are you so concerned? aren't you just a loss away from being eliminated yourself? don't worry, you can cheer for me in the playoffs....

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& chandler, weren't you all over the boards talking smack earlier this year? what happenned to you? its good to see that you are still alive....

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Hank - It's time for you to taste the wrath of the C*CK.......still have that rainbow sticker on your car? If you lose this game, your helmet for next year needs to be rainbow colored....deal?


Chandler - Check the rules......the trade is NULL like I said earlier. You cannot trade since your team is O - U - T......because you S - U - C - K. Nice try though. Way to keep up that fighting spirit. Learn that at Hart Graphics?


The General is going down this week, and we'll both be 7-5.




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Please note that Bras and I made the trade on Monday afternoon, well before the end of the Monday night game. Therefore, he was not eliminated and traded a player who was not still playing. So, the trade is legit and a go. This does not mean a thing to you cuz the General will wipe your azz anyway.

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It means something to me! If you would quit trying to manipulate the rules and listen to what your trying to do, it makes NO COMMOM SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Transactions during the time frame of week 11 games while still in progress - NO WAY!!


Give me ONE example of this prior to your childish attempt! There are NONE!!!!!!!!!!


Go back wherever your from and continue sucking your bottle. :eek:

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This makes no difference to me because even if I get lucky and make the playoffs I probably won't go far.


HOWEVER I am sick and tired of the rule bending whenever convenient. I was busy at work... The family and holiday... We made the trade between us secretly before the deadline... these are just a few of the lame excuses I've heard this year and the persons making them always seems to get by.


I was accused of being to picky when I got screwed out of a win earlier this year by a late roster (I know it was only a minute)but once the rules get bent this is the sheet that happens.


For those of you that believe rules are flexible, I bet you take mulligans, short putts and roll your ball when no one is looking and brag you shot an 80.


:rolleyes: :mad: :mad:

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Good job BUDA, you have a way with words. It always seems that the "TRUE" character of a person is revealed in simple games that are meant to be fun! Surely it is not the money. I do not know most of guys that play in our league, but I would assume if we have $200 to shell-out for fantasy football it is rare that we don't have food on our table.


I will let the "Comish" decide this one AGAIN!!!! I could care less. The NADs will "Seek and Destroy" all coke snorting WRs. :rolleyes:

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After giving this a lot of thought, I have decided to rule that this trade is invalid.


One, it was not posted on the board as a trade before the Bras were mathematically eliminated from the playoffs.


Two, it involved a player (Jimmy Smith) who was a starting WR for the Bras this week, so he shouldnt be eligible for trade until this weeks games were over. Once they were over, the Bras were eliminated so the trade couldnt have possibly happened.


* My personal feelings on this is, one, this was a fair trade since Chandler dumped a dead roster spot for 10 years (Robert Edwards) and got rid of a WR who will most likely be suspended for the next four games for substance abuse violations. Too bad for Chandler as it looks like he would have gotten a great deal. You shouldnt have started Smith this week and you would have been able to do it. Still, it needed to be posted or emailed to the commish before you were eliminated from the playoffs.

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Im surprised that this is such a cool league with all of the women playing in it. We get to watch triton try to spell & negotiate sentences: 'NO COMMOM SENSE' - which doesn't make sense to me. Can't you just see him sweating over this ruling?

Buda is still whining about the 1 minute late rule (which is a legitimate complaint); but for the first time in recent memory, he makes a decent point. Rule Bending - like that dude starting Anderson after he played...but hold on - didn't Buda quit earlier this season?

Where does it say that you can't make a trade while a game is in process? or the day of a game? & in fact, no where in the rules before Strumey Face mentioned it yesterday did it say that those eliminated could not trade.....

Don't get me wrong - it can only benefit me that the trade doesn't go through....

Finally, that rainbow coalition member from south florida needs to stop throwing stones...or someone might make fun of his kids & then he'll cry....

& then he & buda can take each other's balls & go home....

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You talk a lot........but you say very little. Oh that's right you're a democrat. It all makes sense now.

:rolleyes: :mad: :mad:

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