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Cash Hounds

Draft Buddy Question

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In my draft buddy workbook, only 104 players are showing up on the overall worksheet. I was wanting to know is there some setting that I can change to increase this number to 150 or so? I like this tool during the draft as it shows what players have not been selected. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi CH. The overall list will fill to the maximum number of players needed based on your inputs, or 240, whichever is less. That is, number of starters + backups, less positions excluded from the overall list, multiplied by the number of teams in the league. Beyond that, the value calculations do not work and you will just have a bunch of garbage players (like 16 TE in a row, for example) so they are just left out. If you want to expand a little bit though, without effecting the rankings too much, you could add to the backups a little. Try a 0.5 to each backup QB, RB, WR, TE, and hit Compile Cheatsheets again.

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