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Guest Moose Knuckle Ball Four

McGahee: I am the best RB in the NFL

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Kinda silly to declare yourself the best at anything. Others declare you the best, you don't do it yourself. If you have to tell people you're the best, than you probably aren't.


I am the greatest. Not only do I knock em out, I pick the round! - Ali


If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize. - Ali


It's hard to be humble, when you're as great as I am. - Ali


If you never believe you are the greatest... you never will be.

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LT2 is the best hands down and I think he will always be better. But I watched Willis all through college and before the knee injury and I think before it all over these two guy will be very close in overall production. Right Now I think San Diego uses LT2 in the passing game too much for any other Rb to compete with him. They just dont stand a chance. You have to give to Marty when he has something that works he doesnt try to save it he uses it as much as possible.

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For the sake of argument - who knows what McGahee would have accomplished in San Diego or LT2 in Buffalo for that matter.


We need to take the fantasy blinders off and look at the NFL in the real world. There is a chance has the capability of being "better" but is in the wrong system to showcase his talents. We see that all of the time.

Put McGahee and LT in the open field. Who's the most dangerous?


That's what I thought.

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