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We were lucky!

High winds, a mountain of Hail piled up against the house and 3" of rain.

All in about 5-10 minutes.

Lots of local stores had there signs destroyed.


Looks like TN got pounded again.

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All around us...but nothing on us.


Bout 15 miles north of me got hit very bad...you know its bad when the weather channel guys are around and they are showing video from around here on there and CNN today.

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8 deaths in Sumner Country, just 20 or so miles north of me. Thats where the city of Gallatin was hit really bad. The footage from a helicoptor showed the damage where a tornado hit Volunteer State Community College tearing the roofs up and scattering cars around the parking lot, Across the street it hit 3 car dealerships and left cars and trucks on top of each other as well as damaging the buildings. It then hit a large subdivision where it did major damage, tore up a lot of homes, took off roofs, took off entire second floors and left piles of rubble where homes used to be. These were large brick homes.

They showed metal power poles bent in half, tractor trailers overturned along the roads.

Rough day in this area.

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Yes, I live in Nashville. I was just reading the newspaper and looking at the pictures. It was pretty bad. 11 people dead and lots of damage.


Some pictures


Some "good" pictures of the damage. They said it was the worst day- tornado wise- we've seen in 8 years.


Fred, Sho Nuff, what part of Mid Tenn do you guys live? I'm out in Lebanon. We had one storm cell hit us about 4 pm, hard rain, pea sized hail, and steady lightening & thunder. Wilson County was pretty much spared, but Sumner County, right next door, got hammered.


At some point we should consider a Mini Geekfest during the off season. Maybe at the Beer Seller one afternoon?

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I'm a little shocked to see that we didn't have any here in Richmond, given the way the winds were for a while there. I would have thought there would have been at least a microburst or something.

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Some "good" pictures of the damage. They said it was the worst day- tornado wise- we've seen in 8 years.


Fred, Sho Nuff, what part of Mid Tenn do you guys live? I'm out in Lebanon. We had one storm cell hit us about 4 pm, hard rain, pea sized hail, and steady lightening & thunder. Wilson County was pretty much spared, but Sumner County, right next door, got hammered.


At some point we should consider a Mini Geekfest during the off season. Maybe at the Beer Seller one afternoon?


I live in Antioch near Hickory Hollow mall. All we got here was a little hail, nothing bad.


Beer Seller wouldn't be a bad idea. I usually go there about 2-3 times a year before Titans games.

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I live in Antioch near Hickory Hollow mall. All we got here was a little hail, nothing bad.


Beer Seller wouldn't be a bad idea. I usually go there about 2-3 times a year before Titans games.


Fred, I used to live by Bell Road, Anderson Road area of Antioch. Moved to Lebanon about 6 years ago.

Let's work on a Beer Seller meeting with Sho Nuff.

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Some "good" pictures of the damage. They said it was the worst day- tornado wise- we've seen in 8 years.


Fred, Sho Nuff, what part of Mid Tenn do you guys live? I'm out in Lebanon. We had one storm cell hit us about 4 pm, hard rain, pea sized hail, and steady lightening & thunder. Wilson County was pretty much spared, but Sumner County, right next door, got hammered.


At some point we should consider a Mini Geekfest during the off season. Maybe at the Beer Seller one afternoon?


I live and work in Hermitage.

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