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What I'm asking may be a question about cheat sheets in general, but I want to be sure.


I bought and downloaded CC/DB, so I've already made the investment. I'm fairly sure I've got all the rules and scoring set up correctly, and I've compiled the cheat sheet. Cool beans, but now let's make sure I'm reading this right.


Let's imagine it's the night of my league's draft (a keeper league, so I've already marked those players off the list). The draft begins, and what exactly do I use CC/DB for? Do I just draft the highest-ranked available player every time it's my turn? Even if it's my 5th or 6th RB (for example)? At what point do I bounce down to the best available QB, when they happen to be next on my cheat sheet? when I see others getting QB's? WR's? TE's?


So that's my general question -- What is the proper technique for using CC/DB during a draft?



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Hi Drav. First, thanks for taking the plunge and buying the Compiler and Draft Buddy. Glad to have you aboard.


Now... I like the phrase "proper technique". I'll give you my 20 cents and maybe some others who have used CC/DB in the past will chime in here.


The Compiler and Draft Buddy were never designed, from my perspective, as tools that instruct you as "you must draft player X here" and "you must draft player Y here" etc. To me, they are thinking man's (and woman's) tools. They help you develop cheatsheets customized to your league so you can see how the (sometimes subtle) differences in your league impact the value of different positions and rankings of players.


If you don't like the projections, then the Compiler is flexible to be able to change them. It has a lot of historical data which can be reviewed for research. Ultimately, it produces nice, neat cheatsheets to help keep you organized and efficient. It is especially a blessing for multiple leagues so you don't need to set up multiple spreadsheets.


Draft Buddy is the main tool to use during the draft, if you are so inclined to take a laptop to the draft (assuming live... most of my drafts are online now). It helps you track the draft pretty quickly, and then fill in or update reports which you can review during the draft, which helps you ultimately make faster and better decisions.


Overall, the tools are helpers which guide and provide support to prep and partake in your draft, but at the end of the day you still decide how to draft your team.


As to your specific question about when to draft particular positions, some recommended reading is my article about tiering from a couple years ago. Here it is:



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As to your specific question about when to draft particular positions, some recommended reading is my article about tiering from a couple years ago. Here it is:



Son of a gun, that's exactly the info I was looking for.


You should send that link with the purchase, it explained everything.



FYI, this is my sophomore fantasy football season, so I'm no grizzled vet. Last year, it was an automatic draft and the website's default rankings looked fine to me (like I knew anything), so I ended up with who I ended up with. The team really sucked, but being a statistician for a living, I caught on quick enough to waiver wire my way to a playoff birth. I lost in the first round, but I was still proud of the salvage. Basically what I'm saying is, I understand fantasy now (well enough anyway), but I have 0 draft experience. This year will be different, assuming I can start on the right foot, so it's critical to me to understand proper use of the CC/DB (the numbers I get, it's the tactics I have to learn).

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Draft Buddy is the main tool to use during the draft, if you are so inclined to take a laptop to the draft (assuming live... most of my drafts are online now).



Mike, how do you use the DB for online drafts? Side by side windows, basically? Seems like the luxury of two monitors would make that work the best.

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Mike, how do you use the DB for online drafts? Side by side windows, basically? Seems like the luxury of two monitors would make that work the best.


It sure helps, I have my laptop setup beside my main puter and use it for CC/DB purposes.


It't not too bad to have your browser open, as well as the DB, and just alt-tab back and forth, if you don't have access to a second puter or monitor.



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I do have the luxury of two computers when I'm at home, but I find ALT-TAB back and forth is the best. I recommend closing all other programs you don't need running (like the Compiler) so when you ALT-TAB you are only flipping between Buddy and your browser.

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