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Drop Reggie Brown for Deangelo Williams?

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First off, my league starts 3 WR, 2 RB, and a W/R so I would prefer to start 3 RB..anyways, someone just dropped Deangelo Williams into the waiver pool and I am wondering if I should pick him up. My current WR & RB roster consists of:




Larry Johnson

Kevin Jones

Mike Bell

Fred Taylor




Chad Johnson

Chris Chambers

L. Coles

Drew Bennett

Reggie Brown


From my standpoint, I think I am sitting pretty decently in terms of WR's, but because I had the #1 pick (L. Johnson), I wasn't able to secure a good 2nd RB. I see a lot of potential in Williams, especially given Foster's history of injuries; however, I also see some upside with Reggie Brown now that TO is gone and he has gained a lot more experience. What do you guys think? Reggie Brown is the worst player on my team so he is really the only person I can afford to drop.

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i just dropped reggie for horn. reggie's value dropped for me with the stallworth trade. however, i don't see you getting much out of deangelo until foster gets hurt. your other rb's are starters.

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I agree. you wont get much for brown.


now that he is a #2, I'd say his value is almost nil. I agree hes good, but I cant see him being good enough to put up the kind of numbers you need from the #2 slot.



take a chance. I'm willing to bet noone picks up brown on waivers anyhow, so if you want him back you'll be able to get him back at anytime.

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From my standpoint, I think I am sitting pretty decently in terms of WR's, but because I had the #1 pick (L. Johnson), I wasn't able to secure a good 2nd RB. I see a lot of potential in Williams, especially given Foster's history of injuries; however, I also see some upside with Reggie Brown now that TO is gone and he has gained a lot more experience. What do you guys think? Reggie Brown is the worst player on my team so he is really the only person I can afford to drop.



I'd pick up DeAngelo. He'll start sooner or later with Foster's history and Brown is now the 4th receiving option behind Stall, Smith and Westy. Plus, you can probably find another receiver on the WW at any time.



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is your league a holdover league? if so, grabbing deangelo williams would be a wise move for future years. if not, i'd probably hang on to brown for the meantime. personally, i'm not convinced that stallworth is going to stay healthy himself, and if he does, be productive.

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Nah, I think you're good for now. No need to pick up DeAngelo unless you hear news of injury concern with Foster. Keep Brown for now.


I'd like your thoughts on my situation:






Well, Foster gets hurt almost every year.


based on that, I'd say DAngelo is a good play anyhow.

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