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Starting QB

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Ok I have three options:


T. Romo

C. Frye

D. Brees


Normally I wouldn't ask this question but brees is going up against Baltimore's defense.. (and that's my defense)


I am torn between these guys because Brees is probably the safe route and will get just ok numbers.


But Romo and Frye could go either way for me...they could kill me or win it for me...


Which one?


Leave a Link and I will answer yours

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Frye has done quite well this season and I like the match up with NYJ. Romo hasn't shown anything yet to take a chance on. If Frye can get 149 yds and a TD against Denver I think he can break 200 yds and 1 or 2 TD's against the Jets.


I'd go with him.




Please see mine

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I have liked Frye...he has been scoring...passing and rushing...


But he likes to turn the ball over also..


I am starting droughns also...so I guess it's worth a try to see if he throws a swing pass to him for a TD...

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Start 'em in this order


Brees - He is good no matter what and more of a "stable choice", they just won't be that great against Bal, playing against your own D is not a good idea either (depeneding on how you are penalized)

Romo - He is going up against a bad CAR pass D, so I see him throwing a lot in this one, he is the one I would take a chance on

Frye - Up and down and Jets have bad run D so Droughns may get a lot of the load..


here's mine:



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I tend to agree that it depends on how close your game looks to be this week. If you're favored, I'd go with Brees, as he's not likely to get you into any trouble.


If you need some points but are still close, Frye may be you best bet.


If you are a big underdog, you may as well give Romo a shoot. He's got the biggest likelihood for an exceptional game (or an exceptionally awful game).


Take a look at mine:


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