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Is this trade BS?

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The guy who is leading our league (he's a strong 8-0 and is also the commissioner) just made the following deal:


He gets: Vick, Bush, Galloway


The other guy (who is 3-5 and already has Peyton as his starter) gets: Fragile Fred and Lee Evans.


I say this is BS, but don't want to start a big thing, since I am right behind him and was trying to make a move myself and don't want him to veto it out of spite. However, there was another issue between us already when we played head to head that I let slide, so I'm starting to wonder if he's taking advantage of his position.


Am I right in being mad, or is this an okay deal?

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It doesn't seem lopsided enough to be considered "cheating", but honestly, what was the issue that came up before? Because lots of commishs have been abusing their power and this just might be the case depending on what that incident was.


Thanks for mine.

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The issue before was that he made a lineup change in a Monday night game that came pretty much right as or after the opening kickoff. He substitued Reggie Brown for a not playing Brian Westbrook. Had Westbrook remained in his lineup, I would have won the game by one point. He claims he got the change in before the game started, but I'm not 100 percent certain that's the case. However, I can't prove it, so that's why I let it slide. Still, that combined with this has me feeling a little concerned . . .

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The issue before was that he made a lineup change in a Monday night game that came pretty much right as or after the opening kickoff. He substitued Reggie Brown for a not playing Brian Westbrook. Had Westbrook remained in his lineup, I would have won the game by one point. He claims he got the change in before the game started, but I'm not 100 percent certain that's the case. However, I can't prove it, so that's why I let it slide. Still, that combined with this has me feeling a little concerned . . .


Okay he probably did make the change afterwards if you saw the change after kickoff. He probably got away with this before and managed to change his lineup after the game started depending on the injury report of Westbrook. I'd say that sounds really fishy to me. but you can't prove it and I wouldn't play in the league next year.

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a little off...review the matchups, but at least email the league and have numbers behind you if you veto it...then sneak one in there to get a deal done on your end

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I don't see a real problem with the trade. About changing before the Monday night game. I am the Commish of my league and our rule is you turn in your entire line-up before the opening kick off on Sunday. Period! the only exceptions are Thursday,Friday,Saturday games when there is a game being played before Sunday you only have to turn in the guys playing in those games otherwize you still turn in everyone before Sunday kickoff. This rule has worked well for us for 10 years now. He is abusing his power. And you and the other owners should can him or not play in the league next year.


Good Luck



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Veto that. It would be one thing if the guy who's 3-5 is maybe getting a slightly better deal because the guy who is 8-0 might have the depth to trade but given what 8-0 is getting and the fact he's the commish veto.

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That trade looks fair to me -- considering Bush is a question mark at the moment with his ankle, Galloway is hot/cold (and if I had him on my team I would be ripping mad because he dropped several balls this past Sunday).


If I had Peyton as my starter, I would make this trade, and feel I got the better end of the deal getting Freddy (who has been strong this year) and Evans who I would expect to go off against GB this weekend.

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