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Colston or A. Johnson

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Have to decide between Colston or Andre Johnson 10 team keeper league PPR's count

tough decision, Colstons upside with Brees or flash in the pan vs. Johnson (109 receptions)with possibly new QB. Help.

Have to decide by Super Bowl Sunday, also pick one: Jacobs or M.Turner at RB same keeper league thx

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Guest JahRasta311

Have to decide between Colston or Andre Johnson 10 team keeper league PPR's count

tough decision, Colstons upside with Brees or flash in the pan vs. Johnson (109 receptions)with possibly new QB. Help.

That's a toughie, I came here with the intention of telling you to keep Colston, but I'm now thinking you should keep Andre Johnson. Colston may have a sophomore slump...I'm looking for him to have a serious breakout year in 2008.

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Have to decide between Colston or Andre Johnson 10 team keeper league PPR's count

tough decision, Colstons upside with Brees or flash in the pan vs. Johnson (109 receptions)with possibly new QB. Help.

Have to decide by Super Bowl Sunday, also pick one: Jacobs or M.Turner at RB same keeper league thx


johnson is a better reciever. Colston is in a better offense.... over the long haul (keeper) I'd take the better reciever...


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Have to decide between Colston or Andre Johnson 10 team keeper league PPR's count

tough decision, Colstons upside with Brees or flash in the pan vs. Johnson (109 receptions)with possibly new QB. Help.

Have to decide by Super Bowl Sunday, also pick one: Jacobs or M.Turner at RB same keeper league thx



Tough choice. I agree with one of the other posters that Johnson is the better receiver but Colston has the better offense. However, I disagree with his choice in taking the better receiver. I would take Colston because not only is he in a better offense, but with Horn's age, Colston has the chance to be the # 1 guy in the better offense. Roll with Colston!

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Tough choice. I agree with one of the other posters that Johnson is the better receiver but Colston has the better offense. However, I disagree with his choice in taking the better receiver. I would take Colston because not only is he in a better offense, but with Horn's age, Colston has the chance to be the # 1 guy in the better offense. Roll with Colston!



good post.Plummer will be throwing the ball to aj next year......................next question.

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With free agency, injuries, etc., a players surroundings can change quickly. Plus, the fact that receivers generally last a longer time than running backs, I would go with the better reciever in AJ.


And, I would keep Turner. He will most certainly be a featured RB with a team this year or next. Jacobs has the potential to be pigeon-holed as a short-yardage back.

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This is a very tough decision and it's the # 1 reason I despise Keeper Leagues to Dynasty Leagues....


Anyway I have to repeat what many of the people above already posted....


Andre Johnson is no doubt the more talented player of the two, and despite the fact that he always has a statistical tail off in the 2nd half of the season he's proven he can put up solid yearly numbers so you don't have to worry about him being a "fluke" like you have to worry about Colston. Not to mention in his defense that the Texans have been pretty damn bad offensively with Carr being a pig and the offensive line not being able to protect the Qb and give him time.... I think Andre has to get better if ANY of these things improve in the future (which may or may not happen under Kubiak).....


Colston is no doubt in the better/more stable offense in a much better position to put up monster numbers. The Saints O-Line has gelled beautifully, Sean Payton obviously likes him a lot and is a great offensive minded coach that isn't going anywhere, Drew Brees is superior next to David Carr.... the presence of Reggie Bush helps open things up for Colston and the rest of the team..... Horn is pretty much done in New Orleans, he's TOTALLY fallen out of favor with the Saints and I really don't think he'll be back next year (weird feeling he'll be in Philly for some reason :cry: )


Again this is a tough decision and it really sucks that you can't keep them both but I think I'd roll the dice with Colston.... You may regret your decision in the future no matter who you choose, but go with the guy in the much better situation and pray he's not Michael Clayton Jr.

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