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A Modest Proposal

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The career politician's worst nightmare:


Let's say 3 times a year, or 2, or 4, whatever, all of the laws that Congress has drawn up over the course of the session would be put to a vote of the people.


So...take this new immigration law. Once they finish arguing about it and hashing it all out, they have to produce a (let's say) 100-200 word write up of the law. Then we get to vote on it. Simple majority vote, no electoral college crapola. Yes or no. If a majority of Americans vote no, then it doesn't become law, and Congress has to go back and work on it until we pass it, not them.

And no, illegal immigrants can't vote.


Same thing with all the other laws, war funding, etc. We'd do everything in batches a few times a year so we wouldn't be voting all the time.


I would keep Congress the way it is, btw, so they can do all the leg work on crafting the legislation. Basically, they'd all be our secretaries. We would get the final say.

Who's with me?



I'm hoytdwow and I approve this message

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