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jay z

Trade S.Jax for McGahee & Wayne?

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I've been offered McGahee & Wayne for S.Jackson.


I can start a combination of 5 WR/RB. Scoring is 1pt/10 yds receiving/rushing and PPR. 6pt TDs.


Here's my current team in a 10 team league:


V Young

B Favre


E James

A Green

D McAllister

S Jackson

D Foster

D Ward

M Turner


L Fitzgerald

S Holmes

D Henderson

D Driver


K Winslow


D Akers


D Vikings

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I don't ever feel great about trading your players after career low weeks and then trading for sell-high candidates, if I were you I'd sit on Steven Jackson for a couple more weeks because his value can only go up from here. But it looks like your WR core needs real help, you can pull the trigger if you don't have faith in S-Jax but don't be surprised if he slaps you in the face down the road.

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I would jump all over this trade.

McGahee is going to be better with Baltimore, especially now that everyone in Baltimore is all over Billick for not using him enough in the 1st game.

Wayne is a stud, period.


Steven Jackson may have some struggles this year now that Pace has been IR'd.


Do the trade and don't think twice about it.

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Thanks for the replies!


I guess it would basically mean making the choice between the following starting lineups:


S.Jackson, Edge, McAllister, L.Fitz, D.Driver OR

McGahee, Edge, Wayne, L.Fitz, D.Driver


(There is a 3RB starting max)

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Tough call. I think with your league starting the 3-5 RBs is key. In reality from the WR spot Fitz and Driver will give you all you need.


I'd keep Jax. He is a stud and just had a bad week.


Thanks for posting in mine.

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I think SJAX will have a good week this week and will bounce back. That said, I think McGahee and Wayne outscore him, BUT you are now losing other players. My gut is to stand where u are.

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I disagree with the majority. I would not trade S.Jax/Turner/Henderson for McGahee/Wayne.


I mean S.Jax for Wayne/McGahee maybe but put Turner and Henderson on top of that and no way do you do this trade.


S.Jax/E.James/D.McAllister/Fitz/Driver is much stronger than McGahee/E.James/Wayne/Driver/Fitz.


This really gets down to do you think S.Jax/D.McAllister will score more than McGahee/Wayne? I think over the course of the season the answer is yes. I think McAllister will score very similar numbers to McGahee and while Wayne will be a top WR he won't score close to the number of ff points that S.Jax will.


JMO thanks for seeing mine.

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Thanks for the replies, everyone. I think I'm going to wait until next week and reconsider. I don't think I'll make the trade for exactly the same reasoning WoodDuck used... I think Jax/McAllister will be better than McGahee/Wayne. Plus, I'm already pretty deep.


I don't really see Turner and Henderson as losses...It would take a lot things to happen for me to start either.


Everyone's insights helped make my decision for now... Thanks!


I disagree with the majority. I would not trade S.Jax/Turner/Henderson for McGahee/Wayne.


I mean S.Jax for Wayne/McGahee maybe but put Turner and Henderson on top of that and no way do you do this trade.


S.Jax/E.James/D.McAllister/Fitz/Driver is much stronger than McGahee/E.James/Wayne/Driver/Fitz.


This really gets down to do you think S.Jax/D.McAllister will score more than McGahee/Wayne? I think over the course of the season the answer is yes. I think McAllister will score very similar numbers to McGahee and while Wayne will be a top WR he won't score close to the number of ff points that S.Jax will.


JMO thanks for seeing mine.

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I don't ever feel great about trading your players after career low weeks and then trading for sell-high candidates, if I were you I'd sit on Steven Jackson for a couple more weeks because his value can only go up from here. But it looks like your WR core needs real help, you can pull the trigger if you don't have faith in S-Jax but don't be surprised if he slaps you in the face down the road.


I agree - that was a fluke week for SJ. Sure adding Wayne would help to your WR depth, but that hurts your RB a lot (I'm assuming SJax was the 2nd or 3rd pick in the league). I would sit tight.


Please see mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=287019

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I wouldn't discount Henderson. The Saints had a bad start, but I expect huge numbers out of Brees. It ain't all gonna be Colston and Bush.

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This is hands down the best trade for you.


Giant upgrade with Wayne in there and McGahee has some weak run defenses the first couple of weeks.


The change in the addition of henderson/turner kinda makes it a bad trade though. I agree with WoodDucks assessment in that you should probably hold on and maybe increase the value.

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I would not do the trade. I have seen several people use the loss of Pace as a reason to bail on SJax, but has anyone seen the disaster called the Ravens Offense? Ogden has a chronically bad big toe, and Air Dispair is injured. I can't see too many teams giving Boller and that anemic passing attack much respect. Wayne is definitely a stud, but he won't post those numbers every week. Harrison will has his weeks. Just my opinion, but I think it is way too early to give up on your stud players.

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I will pile on and say wait this week while SJax comes back to reality (he can't do any worse than against the Panthers) and scores some points.


Then resurrect the SJax for Wayne and McGahee, or add in Henderson, and take that all day. Good luck

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