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Does this trade have to be vetoed?

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I am co-league manager and a rookie owner offered a veteran F. Gore for B. Marshall. Obviously, the veteran accepted. The rookie also owns Walker, and, I guess, he was thinking that he would get Marshall because Walker was strugling and ailing. Gore also has gotten off to a slow start.


I do not know if this matters, but before the trade, the veteran has LJ, Portis, Jacobs, Morency and Davenport at RB & Coles, Berrian, Coulston and Marshall @ WR. The rookie has Lewis, Dayne, Jordan and Gore at RB & Chad, Toomer & Walker @ WR.


My co-manager of the league, thinks this is an extemely lopsided trade. It is a 12-team league that starts two RBs and a flex so RBs are scarce and highly valued. However, at the beginning of the year we had agreed that we would be very conservative when over turning trades.



Do we have to veto this trade? Help a rookie commish out.

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i was going to immediately say VETO, but Exelerate had a good point about the rook thinking it helps him...he will learn the hard way...but the vet now has a damn solid core of r.b.'s with the likes of gore, lj, and portis...hopefully this trade wont screw your team down the road when you match up with the vet...im rambling, but in other words... Let it ride..it sucks, but maybe you should pull the rook to the side and explain how a trade can adversely affect other teams, as well as finishing order(if its a keeper league) and so forth and so on....one of the worst trades i have ever heard of though

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absolutely veto this trade. i am not one to veto either but this trade is absurd.

i disagree with letting a rookie learn the hard way. he needs to understand that you do not trade stud rbs for avg. wrs under NO circumstances regardless of how bad they have started out or how good he starts out. in his case marshall. personally, i wouldn't even make that trade for LJ as bad as he has started out

the other 2 owners know this is unfair so why allow, to teach some rookie a lesson? i think not


the lesson that should be taught is that you do not make trades like this, sorry

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I don't know if you veto this trade. People make epochally stupid trades all of the time. Even a trade that seems good could turn out to be terrible down the road. You just don't know. Frank Gore's hamstring could fly into the stands and Brandon Marshall could become the main WR if Walker gets hurt (Marshall is already a decent #2 WR option). I think Frank Gore is a touch over-valued, and it has shown based upon when he plays against tough defenses.


You can't veto something because YOU think it's unfair. If you really want to deal with it in an way that isn't arbitrary let the league vote on it - if they vote to veto it, you have to veto it; if not, the trade goes through and the league had their chance to speak up with the votes.


You can't arbitrarily veto something. You have to at least put it up for discussion among the league.


I mean, unless your league is based in Cuba...

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I think if you have to ask on this board you need some help. It all depends on your league and what two grown men decide on. Are there rules in your league for trades, if not maybe there should be to solve this in the future.


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You don't like the answerw you got on the other board?


lol....I did but sometimes I get better luck on one over the other, thanks for your help you keen FFer

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I'm a fan of not veto-ing trades. He thinks it will help his team... although dumb, i dont like interfering with peoples stupidity :headbanger:



Agree...the only exception is if the losing owner is already giving up and trying to just chuck it all in w/o the other knowing.....i've seen that happen before.

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