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Who would you vote for?


20 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • Candidate #1
    • Candidate #2

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Issue: Healthcare Policy



Candidate No. 1.


"I have great faith in the government of the United States. The government has done a wonderful job of protecting the retirement of tens of millions of senior citizens through Social Security, the most successful public program in the history of governance. There are many other tremendous government successes we should be celebrating every day. On the health front we have Medicare, Medicaid and our incredible veteran's hospitals. We also have the new prescription medicine program without which thousands would certainly die every year. The only way to insure that the citizens of this country have adequate health care is to make sure that the same government that brought us Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare brings us our everyday health care services. The private sector works fine for things and services that people don't actually need. Essential services, however, must be provided by government. Profits are OK for non-essential goods and services. Nobody should make an obscene profit caring for the health of our nation. In the first 100 days after my election I will begin the process of nationalizing our health care and health insurance industries. To be sure, it will be expensive. But there are thousands of wealth people in this country who each year earn far more money than they actually need. These millionaires owe a debt to the working people of this country who have enriched them. Starting next January 20th, I'll be the debt collector for the working class."




Candidate No. 2


"I know that many of you are distressed over the cost of health care, the cost of health insurance and the difficulty some of your fellow citizens have in getting basic medical care. You have been told that the solution is more government. The reality is that the solution is less government. Since World War II our government has been involved in a systematic and deliberate effort to thwart any attempt Americans might make to become self reliant in terms of their own health care. Big-government politicians have created a tax structure whereby your employer can get a big tax write-off for providing you with insurance, but you get no tax break if you buy that insurance policy on your own. The goal here has been to compel you to rely on others for your health insurance rather than yourself. Lobbyists have cajoled state legislatures to add expensive "mandates" to insurance policies, often pricing those insurance policies out of your reach. If, after all, you and your spouse have no plans to procreate, why should you pay for maternity benefits? I understand the power of the competitive free marketplace. Our history is full of examples of explosions in innovation and customer service for many industries when the government gets out of the way. For one example you need look no further than the deregulation of the phone companies. As your president I intend to use the proven power of the free market to make health care more affordable and available to all Americans. No longer will our tax code punish you for assuming the responsibility for your own medical care. Under my reform plans you will be able to put aside thousands of dollars every year, tax free, to cover your basic medical needs. This will enable you to buy insurance policies; policies free of mandates; policies tailored to meet your specific needs. These policies will be substantially cheaper than those available to you today because of the large deductibles your medical savings accounts will allow. History shows when the government gets out of the way of the free marketplace the consumers are the eventual winners. This would include consumers of health care. I'm not interested in giving the government the power to control your health care. I'll leave that desire to those who believe America is great because of government. My goal will be to get the government out of the way and unleash the power of the marketplace."


OK ... there you go. Two candidates; two messages. Care to cast a vote?


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The second guy sounds confused. The first guy sounds like he has a plan.


I guess. "Let the gubmint do it" is the comprehension limit of some. :thumbsdown:

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You might as well have just put their names. With only two choices, it's extremely obvious who is who. You should've thrown in some third party candidates' positions to obscure the names and focus on the issue.

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I suck



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These policies will be substantially cheaper than those available to you today because of the large deductibles your medical savings accounts will allow.


The second guy wants what we already have. There are already flexible health plans out there. He says that because you will pay higher deductables the insurance will cost less. No shiit genuis! But your deductables will be higher! Just because you get a tax break on it doesn't mean it won't cost a boatload of money. And everything balances out. he says people who don't want to pay for maternity don't have to and will pay LESS. well that just means that people who DO have maternity will now be paying MORE.


At least the first guy tells the truth and says you will have to pay more money. The second pretends to have a plan but really is only talking in circles.

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The second guy wants what we already have. There are already flexible health plans out there. He says that because you will pay higher deductables the insurance will cost less. No shiit genuis! But your deductables will be higher! Just because you get a tax break on it doesn't mean it won't cost a boatload of money. And everything balances out. he says people who don't want to pay for maternity don't have to and will pay LESS. well that just means that people who DO have maternity will now be paying MORE.


At least the first guy tells the truth and says you will have to pay more money. The second pretends to have a plan but really is only talking in circles.


Exactly. Why should someone who isn't gonna use maternity services subsidize those who are?


No circles, just common sense.

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Exactly. Why should someone who isn't gonna use maternity services subsidize those who are?


No circles, just common sense.


So why doesn't he mention that it will increase the insurance of the ones who need maternity. He just mentions that people will save money that don't want kids. I'm not disagreeing with the policy. I just don't consider it something that lowers cost. lowers cost for one, raises cost for the other. Its awash in the savings to America.

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So why doesn't he mention that it will increase the insurance of the ones who need maternity. He just mentions that people will save money that don't want kids. I'm not disagreeing with the policy. I just don't consider it something that lowers cost. lowers cost for one, raises cost for the other. Its awash in the savings to America.



Who says it will? Those who don't need maternity may need long term care insurance to cover nursing homes because they are getting older. Conversely, those about to have kids won't need to purchase long term care insurance to cover nursing homes yet.


You buy what you need, you don't pay for someone else.

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Who says it will? Those who don't need maternity may need long term care insurance to cover nursing homes because they are getting older. Conversely, those about to have kids won't need to purchase long term care insurance to cover nursing homes yet.


You buy what you need, you don't pay for someone else.


Thats the way insurance works. Some people pay more into the system than what they use. If you only paid for what you need then why would you have insurance?


The fact is that insurance companies will still collect the same amount of money. Its just that with his plan some people will be paying more and some people will be paying less. Overall it is not a net savings for the people paying into the insurance system. Politician talking in circles.

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I suck posting polls....I think this is my second time. Choices are now up.

you also suck at threads :music_guitarred:

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I would vote for you RP cause yer my hero



RP RP he's our leader he's the one that sucks our peter!!!! Yaaaa RP!!!! ^_^

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RP- Who is candidate 2? This really sounds like what Bush tried to do. Did Bortz say who these guys were? Either candidate 2 is bush or mccain is reycling bush's plan.

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