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SI is run by idiots!

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You are not a Cowboy fan. You probably like the Texans or some other gay team. Go play in traffic moron!



Unlike yourself who probably started liking the boys after their 3rd or 4th title...like most of your white trash, front running, fan base.


At least we only have to put up with you for a few months. After Dallas pulls another season ending choke-job you'll go into seclusion like you did last January.


On a side note, it's pretty funny how Sweetness has disappeared, knowing full well how bad Chicago is going to suck this season. It's a shame Dallas looks so good on paper.

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Unlike yourself who probably started liking the boys after their 3rd or 4th title...like most of your white trash, front running, fan base.


At least we only have to put up with you for a few months. After Dallas pulls another season ending choke-job you'll go into seclusion like you did last January.


On a side note, it's pretty funny how Sweetness has disappeared, knowing full well how bad Chicago is going to suck this season. It's a shame Dallas looks so good on paper.



I have been a Dallas fan my entire life. You are a piece of white trash. Go die!

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