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Believe it or not I don't think I can accept this trade

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I have DeAngelo Williams and Ray Rice. The other team has McGahee and Stewart. He just offered me Stewart for Rice straight up. Perfect trade opportunity right? We each backup our backfields, plus I get the "better" rookie back. But for the following reasons, I don't think I should accept the trade.

-I have no RB depth- I need all the potential starters I can get.

-McGahee might be washed up.

-Williams shouldn't lose this job unless he's injured.

-Maybe most importantly, he needs Rice alot more than I need Stewart right now. So why help him?


I might be overthinking this one- hence the post.


Appreciate your insight.

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that's a tough call without seeing your other rb's. i might lean towards the trade due to the fact that le'ron mclain had like 26 carries!?!? stewart will likely get 10-15 carries and 2-4 passes. rice may end up splitting carries with mcgahee and mcclain where it's just williams and stewart.

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I'd pull the trigger on that deal. I'm not sure why its such a tough dilemma. As the last poster said, LeRon McClain got most of the carries. If McGahee doesn't come back (and I'm 95% positive he does), Rice wouldn't be a featured back. Stewart and Williams will split carries for the time being and probably will continue a time share barring injury. Plus you get screwed if you don't do the trade, McGahee comes back and Williams gets injured. Take the trade.

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