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referring to Ahmadinejads speech at the UN on Wednesday (Steimeier being the German foreign policy minister):


"That kind of remark is not just intolerable. This president is a disgrace to his country," said Steinmeier in Berlin.

The speech prompted many delegations to walk out of the assembly hall in protest. Israel did not attend at all.


Ahmadinejad assailed Israel for what he said was a barbaric attack on the Gaza Strip last winter and for subjecting the Palestinians to "genocide."

. He also accused the West of hypocrisy, saying it preached democracy, but violated its fundamental principles.


Addressing Israel, the Iranian leader said, "The awakening of nations and the expansion of freedom worldwide will no longer allow them to continue their hypocrisy and vicious attitudes."


"How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue?" Ahmadinejad continued. "How can crimes of the occupiers against defenseless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments?"


The Iranian leader said it was time for the world to respond. "It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U.S., to attain its racist ambitions," he said.





The Obama foreign policy agenda that appeared on the White House website said: "Barack Obama supports tough and direct diplomacy with Iran without preconditions," the policy outline said.





....preconditions who needs em?

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He's going to get a strong tongue lashing from Obammy today. He's been hiding a second Nuke plant :music_guitarred:

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He's going to get a strong tongue lashing from Obammy today. He's been hiding a second Nuke plant :overhead:


Righto! This prez will finally stand up to Iran after 8 years of enabling by the Bushies. :music_guitarred:

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I hope the Israeli Mossad takes him out soon. Its not even that I am scared of him or his country's excuse of an army. Hes just getting fkin annoying.

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