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"Up in Smoke"

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It's on one of the HBOs - my Dad actually exposed me to this when I was 9. He claims to have never used :doublethumbsup:


Some of my favorite lines:


"You just ate the most acid I've ever seen anyone eat."


"It's focking vodka man!" - after sipping Judge Gladys Dykes' "water" in the courtroom


"Hold it right there you chili-choking pepper belly!!!"


It's in my all-time top 10 fave films . . . it's up there with Godfather I & II and Apocalypse Now.

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It's on one of the HBOs - my Dad actually exposed me to this when I was 9. He claims to have never used <_<


Some of my favorite lines:


"You just ate the most acid I've ever seen anyone eat."

I remember that one.


Chong: here take this.....

Cheech: ok *takes it*

Chong: no wait, don't take that....

Cheech: I aready took it.

Chong: Oooooohhh.... *snickers*

Cheech: *serious* what? what the hell you mean "oooohhh?"

Chong: You just ate the most acid I've ever seen anyone eat in my life....

Cheech: oh, sh1t... oh sh1t... oh sh1t.....


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