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Ode to Fantasy Football

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Good bye fantasy football. I’ve loved you and hated you. I’ve begged you. I’ve cursed you. You are the essence of my dreams and the villain of my nightmares. You have brought me the highest of highs and also the very lowest of lows. I have looked forward to seeing you each week and there have been times when I have refused you. I have questioned our relationship. I have wondered what draws me to you and why we’re together. You are the ficklest of mistresses and no different than any other woman I have ever loved.


Now we must part, but only for a time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I will see you again in August. I will be another year older, but hopefully another year wiser. You my dear will likely be the same magnificent b1tch you have always been, but that is why I love you (and hate you).


Goodbye my sweet. Now go- before I kill you.

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Funny stuff here. Great imagination; I hope you're making $$ with that talent of yours.


I too feel like something is missing.

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Through the first paragraph I thought you were doing one of this "I am quiting fantasy football for good" posts, and I was thinking to myself "yea, just like all the ###### women that I SWORE I would never ###### again and was ###### them weeks later"....then you get to exactly what I was thinking!



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