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Should I Put Out the Blount

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I play in a 12-team league with a very unique scoring format as follows:


ReTD - Receiving TD 60 points

ReYd - Receiving Yards 1+ ReYd = 2 points for every 1 ReYd

Recpt - Reception 2 points

Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 20 points

RuTD - Rushing TD 60 points

RuYd - Rushing Yards 1+ RuYd = 2 points for every 1 RuYd


Each team has to keep one and has the option to keep 2 other players before everyone starts drafting in what's technically the 4th round (serpentine draft). I have the 2nd pick.


My keeper possibilities are Fitz, Hillis, VJax, De'Angelo Williams and LeGarrette Blount. With 12-teams, all stud RB will be kept and according to my analysis, the only RB that would be available when all teams start drafting are the Felix Jones/Fred Jackson/Jahvid Best tier. I tried to trade for SJax and ADP but could not pull it off.


So, I think I have to keep Fitz and Hillis. I am on the fence about Blount as I am not sure if he would be there to pick back up if I threw him back into the pool of players. I think I have to keep 2 RB because the dropoff is so great between a RB drafted in round 3 as compared to rounds 4 or 5.


Is Blount a decent keeper in this scoring format as he is a lead back who won't be sharing many carries? Or is he over-valued as a 3rd round pick?



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Sorry i couldnt get over the dumb scoring in your league. Do your league mates need that many points to feel like they are better at ffball? That being said i might keep vjaz and fitz because i have a feeling they will both have monster years. 3 keepers is too many and it just gives a huge advantage to people who won the year before with value picks. Plus the draft isnt nearly as fun.

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