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Ertz: Wrong scheme or just not that good?

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I've been trying to figure out this guy long term and keep having conflicting thoughts. He has all the measurables you'd want in a pass catching TE and should be a great red zone guy, but it isn't playing out that way at all.


My first thought was scheme like Olsen and Chicago who just didn't feature him. But then I look at Celeks numbers from last game and wtf they're great.... is Sanchez adjusting to first team players or maybe Ertz isn't as good as Celeks?

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Sanchez has nothin t do with it. Foles ignored him too. It's the sysytem

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How can you blame the system? It's a pass friendly team. Facts are Ertz should be performing better. I thought Sanchez taking over might correct things but so far it hasn't.

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How can you blame the system? It's a pass friendly team. Facts are Ertz should be performing better. I thought Sanchez taking over might correct things but so far it hasn't.

GB is pass happy too. You do know Chipp Kelllyy is really a run happy scheme right?

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Celek is the better blocker, which it what Kelly prefers right now. Consequently, ertz's opportunities have been limited. His snaps have steadily decreased. He's a buy in dynasty, he'll become a better blocker. Redraft, not much to like this yr going forward.

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I would say it's just scheme. Who is the best TE to come out of Oregon over Kelly's tenure? Lyerla? Not sure who else? Just doesn't seem like Kelly's offense focuses on TE too much. There will be some good games by Philly TE's, but I don't think they will be too consistent under Kelly.

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Scheme is part of it. But more so is that Celek is just a far more advanced player at this stage. Better blocker, more attuned to where he needs to be as QB goes through progressions.


I would not be a bit surprised, as Cooper falls further out of favor and the smaller Huff takes some of his reps/targets, that Ertz will see more opportunities. Coopers blocking outweighed his limited receiving skills. Ertz should be the beneficiary of some of those remaining reps and targets.


As noted earlier, it's a misconception that this is a pass first offense. Yes, they throw more than most teams, but they run way more plays than anyone but Indy and more running plays per game than all but some very run-centric teams (Cleve, Hou, KC, Sea, NYJ).


In any case, don't expect Kelly's offense to produce big TE #s. Red zone targets for a team that hasn't been particularly efficient in the red zone. I'm not a believer in Sanchez but, fwiw, they have been better in the red zone the last 6 quarters than the previous 20 games. Of course, you also have to remember that with Vick they were atrocious in the red zone. He ranked ahead of only 2 other QB, one of them being Sanchez.

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He either needs to get traded or work on his run blocking... the Eagles have been running more, AND more importantly running out of 3 WR sets. Celek is the better run blocker, so he gives the team more flexibility on what the team can do...


so basically the emergence of Matthews leading to more 3WR sets, and Ertz's own deficiencies in run blocking have made him expendable...

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