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Giants Fan

Quarterbacks are deep this year

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So how's it going for those of you that drafted the likes of Rivers, Cutler or Palmer late? QBs were supposed to be deep this year, but it seems like it's kinda hard to have a really solid option week 16 unless you drafted Luck or Romo.

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Ryan and Russell combo did me just fine all year


How did Rodgers and Manning owners make out first round?

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Cutler worked out great for the most part. I have Sanchez vs redskins for the title in one, and rg3(16 teamer) in another. Luckily my other title team has Matt Ryan so I'll say the wait on qb worked well for me.


The one league I drafted a good qb and I missed the playoffs on the tie breaker.


My theory is for every 5 td game the big names throw - they are just as likely to give you mid range stats on others. If it's 6 points for passing tds then the topic flips in your stud qb direction.

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Cutler worked out great for the most part. I have Sanchez vs redskins for the title in one, and rg3(16 teamer) in another. Luckily my other title team has Matt Ryan so I'll say the wait on qb worked well for me.


The one league I drafted a good qb and I missed the playoffs on the tie breaker.


My theory is for every 5 td game the big names throw - they are just as likely to give you mid range stats on others. If it's 6 points for passing tds then the topic flips in your stud qb direction.

I lead my league in total points in a 6 pt TD pass league and my only qbs to start a game on my roster were






I have become a fan of 2nd tier qb streaming cause it allows you to bench a qb due to matchups instead of sticking with your studs knowing inevitable suck (Rodgers last week for instance)

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I'm only in one 6 point league and besides my team the other qbs were Peyton, brees, Rodgers, luck, and Brady . Seems like it worked well in that format. Ultimately you need other pieces to win

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I,m asking because I got this far with Rivers and Kaepernick and now I feel like my team could be REALLY good, if I just had a better QB.

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You're so smart I bet you have a great job and apartment.

I live on a 5 acre ranch, drive a 65 Mercury Marauder convertible and I hardly work.

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I live on a 5 acre ranch, drive a 65 Mercury Marauder convertible and I hardly work.

That's because you're a dirtbag sponge.

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That's because you're a dirtbag sponge.

I'm very welcome to stay here, and I pay all the expenses on the house like electricity and gas for heat. My parents don't want to rent it out, and if I left ... drunk uncle would probably be here, and everyone is tired of drunk uncle. They want me to stay. I'm helpfull and self reliant.


But if you are going to bust on me for not having a cool apartment and job, like I had when I lived in NYC for 10 years ... Smart does not neccessarily equal monetarily successful. HOWEVER, I live in a nice place, drive a nice car, and have plenty of cash. Work when I want. Who wants to work 40 hours a week, not me. Been there, done that.


I get food stamps and bad healthcare, but I do not get any monetary support from the government. So what's the problem? You jealous?

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But you wanna know how smart I am? I am starting McCown at QB this week.


Here's why: In my system, the payout is very top heavy. $300k for first place, $40k for second and $500 for 60th. So, I sit in 250th place and will be starting Mike Evans this week. If my team totally goes off and scores 250 plus points, I could actually move up enough to claim that $300k. So, if I need a big game from Evans, it's safe to figure McCown will have a good game, where I'm not so sure about Rivers. Did it last week too, and got a little extra out of McCown but he hardly "went off".

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Was pretty sure Rivers had outscored McCown this week, missed the last minute rushing TD, and then was talking with my backer, who wanted to start Rivers.


Me: Similar numbers, like I predicted. Rivers threw for more yards ... like 3 more points.


Backer: See, I told you ... Rivers is a stud, never bench your studs.


Me: Wait a second ... I missed something.


Backer: Yeah, you missed something, you started McCown over Rivers.


Me: yeah, hold that thought 1 sec .... In the 4th quarter, McCown had a rushing TD. McCown scored more than Rivers.


Backer: How could you miss that?


Me: I was just looking at he passing numbers and doing the math in my head.


That's why I have a backer. He woulda started Rivers. I gotta find a way to listen to him less next year.

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i'm in a very competitive 14 team league and i always draft qbs late. over 8 yrs i am the second most successful team in the league. usually make the playoffs. Only 2 teams have made the championshiop game more than once. one guy is 3-1. i beat him that 1. i've been in it 3 times, 1-1, and in it this year. This year i targeted Luck but someone beat me to the punch. i got Kap then later picked up Flacco when someone dropped him. now i'm in the championship against the guy who drafted Luck.

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Cutler got me to the championship. I'm rolling the dice on RGIII tomorrow. I'm favored by 10 and my opponent had Delanie underperform a bit already. Fingers crossed CJ and Leveon don't bend my team over Sunday.

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i had CJ Anderson on my team where I drafted him and Ball and Hillman, but I waived him to calk block an opponent, and then was sure Hillman was the back to own ... and desperation has led me to Latavius Murray, who so far has not outscored CJ Anderson ... but maybe this week. I need to have the obscure, weird team that puts up 280 points though.


I am gambling with Randle over Sproles. I don't think Murray plays, significantly anyway. I need to shoot the moon, this week, for $300k.


Need: McCown, Leveon "Chocolate Diamond" Bell, Latavius "The Fury" Murray, Mike "Top 10 this year" Evans, Demarius Thomas, Martellus "Black Unicorn" Bennett, flexing Joseph "Big Gamble" Randle and Martavis "Freak" Bryant. Add in a little Stephen "The Ghost Gostowski" and Philly, number 1 ranked defense in this scoring system .... could be the freak combo that comes back from 250th place and wins it all.


Gotta play to win. That's my final lineup.

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