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Mike MacGregor

FIX: Copy League Settings From Prior Year

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Another very bizarre one here, but I am seeing a couple incidents of this and even experienced it myself. I thought it was Mac specific but just happened to me on Windows. When running Copy League Settings feature on the action tab (to copy in settings from a Draft Buddy file from last year), getting an error message "cannot be used with multiple selections".

That is a possible error when copying and pasting cells that are combined ranges, not perfect single rectangle ranges. Of course, I would never do such a thing using an oddly shaped range. Even when I tried it outside the macro with a single cell copy and paste it did the same thing, so seriously Excel... W. T. F.

When it happened to me, I opened a 2018 Draft Buddy file. Then opened the new 2019 Draft Buddy file. Changed/checked the filename on the 2019 action tab and clicked the button.

To fix it - and this is going to sound dumb - I closed the 2018 file. Then re-opened it. Make sure to hit the button in the 2019 file. It worked.

If anyone is still having trouble with this then they are welcome to email me their 2018 file and I will copy over settings into 2019 and send it back to you. Just please don't do that 5 minutes before your draft 😊

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