wtf are you talking about? trial data - "prevents 95% of cases"   early data from Israel - "Israeli study finds Pfizer vaccine 95% effective against COVID-19" early US data of 4k health workers - "'Real world’ study by CDC shows Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were 90% effective""   Pfizer 88% effective against Delta in the UK - "Wednesday's study found that two doses of Pfizer's shot was 88% effective at preventing symptomatic disease from the Delta variant, compared to 93.7% against the Alpha variant"-   Moderna and Pfizer 90-92% effective against Delta in Canada -   There has literally been like one piece of data quoting an "ineffectiveness" against Delta, the Israel charts that were released (which even still said "39% effective" which is still better than zero).  But as I posted yesterday, that may have been based on incomplete data.