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Cdub100 last won the day on May 29 2022

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3,566 Excellent

About Cdub100

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 07/26/1979

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    Sports, pumping chicks

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  1. And all the other republican canidates too.
  2. The only way she wins is if they blanetly cheat again, which is very probable.
  3. You giving 4-1 odds?
  4. It's not truuuuuuuuuuuuuue Dude it's too late she's not gonna fock you.
  5. We also can't point out what she DIDN'T do as VP. All those tasks Biden gave her don't count. So don't talk about them. Oh and you can't point out she was a side chick passed around by the boys, because "everyone has a past"
  6. I liked when she called 18-25 year olds stupid. Stupid enough to draft them and send them to their endless wars.
  7. I see we are using the word "presumptive" now. Your Democratic leaders must be seeing how badly it's going. Gonna swap out another candidate.
  8. Cdub100

    Greetings from Hot Springs!

    My favorite one in Texarkana is a real dump.
  9. Cdub100

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    You said a lot of people are sick of him. I pointed out a lot of people are sick of Biden. Depending on the media you consume depends on if you're on the people are sick of him or people approve.
  10. Cdub100

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    A lot of people are sick of Biden. Probably depends on what media you consume.
  11. Cdub100

    When demand for racism exceeds the supply

    "Decency is on the ballot"
  12. I don't know anything about a random thread on a defunct message board. I do know some people asked why he complained considering how much white people did for him. Nothing about him being half white and being a voice for black people.
  13. The made up BS in your head isn't real. What medicine do you take?
  14. And that YUGE alliance with North Korea!!!
  15. There are so many: Boarder Czar, Ukraine/Russia peacekeeper, Side hoe, North Korea Alliance, she/her in a blue suit.