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Which Quarterback Should I Move?

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What Up... I have expendable depth at the quarterback position, and honestly am fairly inexperienced when it comes to trading. I have Kitna, Favre and I just picked up Warner this morning. I think I'd be most comfortable moving Warner, but would be willing to move one of the other guys for the right offer. Who should I move?


Also, what are they worth? A RB2 or WR2 quality player?...


Also, I am 5-0 with a 2 game lead in my division, so I don't want to take any big gambles.


Some of the rest of my roster:


RB Edge


RB Ward

RB Norwood

RB DeAngelo Williams

WR Housh

WR Wayne

WR Jennings

WR Branch

TE Winslow



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What Up... I have expendable depth at the quarterback position, and honestly am fairly inexperienced when it comes to trading. I have Kitna, Favre and I just picked up Warner this morning. I think I'd be most comfortable moving Warner, but would be willing to move one of the other guys for the right offer. Who should I move?


Also, what are they worth? A RB2 or WR2 quality player?...


Also, I am 5-0 with a 2 game lead in my division, so I don't want to take any big gambles.


Some of the rest of my roster:


RB Edge


RB Ward

RB Norwood

RB DeAngelo Williams

WR Housh

WR Wayne

WR Jennings

WR Branch

TE Winslow




My advice is check the Strength of Schedule page on this site. Then see which QBs you want and decide which you think you should trade. You can target the teams hurting at QB. Keep in mind Warner is QB for 6-8 weeks but that only gets you through weeks 12-14 so he might not be there in the fantasy playoffs if you get there.



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What Up... I have expendable depth at the quarterback position, and honestly am fairly inexperienced when it comes to trading. I have Kitna, Favre and I just picked up Warner this morning. I think I'd be most comfortable moving Warner, but would be willing to move one of the other guys for the right offer. Who should I move?


Also, what are they worth? A RB2 or WR2 quality player?...


Also, I am 5-0 with a 2 game lead in my division, so I don't want to take any big gambles.


Some of the rest of my roster:


RB Edge


RB Ward

RB Norwood

RB DeAngelo Williams

WR Housh

WR Wayne

WR Jennings

WR Branch

TE Winslow




Package Favre and LJ and upgrade at RB



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I would trade favre or warner for Roy Williams if available so that would give you the qb wr combo with kitna. If you had to throw in a another player than I would but nothing to valuable

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I like the idea of a package deal. I think you need to look at the other teams in your league and see is struggling or in desperate need of a QB and look to give up whomever is necessary for a RB1. I like Addai, especially since he has been out with an injury, the owner may be looking to part with him for the right price. I don't like Parker right now because he may be losing some goal line carries. You might take a stab at LT before he has a break out game this week against Oakland, you might get luck and the owner may be just desparate enough to give him up for say Favre and LJ, though I would try to keep LJ if at all possible.


Please See Mine

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