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Posts posted by KSB2424

  1. 15 minutes ago, nobody said:

    I don't think it's the Catholic values per se.  He basically told women that he knows what they want more than they do.  

    So they were too dumb to know they were being deceived apparently.  And they're too dumb to know they don't really want a career, but a 28 year old millionaire who never had to do actual work knows what is going to make them happy.

    It's kind of insulting.

    Here’s the full text for people who haven’t listened or read it.  He never said women shouldn’t have a career, in fact the opposite.  What he said, using his wife as an example, is that being a married homemaker is okay too and can bring you much joy (his wife tells him this).  That raising children is rewarding.

    I know, I know.  :clutches pearls:


    The whole speech is centered around the church.  Which makes sense because he was invited there.  To a Catholic school.  

    He didn’t start going off saying this at the NFL draft or after a game.  That would be ridiculous.  


  2. 9 hours ago, IGotWorms said:

    Butker is a huge assh0le, is my thought. Don’t really need to get into the substance of what he said —though it is asinine— but who the fock tells women graduating that day and getting their college diploma that they belong in the kitchen and not the workplace?

    Only a focking assh0le, that’s who.

    Anyway, he’s a pretty good kicker though. Should probably just stick to that :thumbsup:

    Can you please provide the quote where he said “belong in a kitchen”?

    It’s clear most of you haven’t actually listened to his speech but are regurgitating fake news headlines. 


  3. 34 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

    This episode they basically jerked each other off about how they know the truth about everything. This bit where Tucker claimed that Alex Jones is a prophet who sees the future or whatever just stood out 😂


    Actually no. Rogan does 3 hours of just talking. You were fed a 30 second sound bite and then run on to social media or places like this and regurgitate it.  The gig is up. 

    • Thanks 1

  4. Hindsight, Aaron was right on Covid Vax, as was Djokovic, but they were publicly shamed.

    Neil Young pulled all his songs from Spotify because Joe Rogan wouldn’t get a Covid vaccine and spoke about it.  Well ole Neil is back now on it, now that the CDC pretty much says Covid is like the Flu.  

    Ergo, some of y’all hate people who simply don’t fall in line with what you are “told” to do.  And it upsets you so you act out like a child.  


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  5. 1.  5 foot 5 old guy 

    2.  Completely shameless. Will unabashedly make an azz of himself for political reasons.

    3.  Looks eerily like him.  Uncanny. 

    4.  Hates women, because he was turned down most all of his young life.

    5.  Kid toucher.  Unlike 99.9% of famous folks,  George aka Gutter went to dinner with Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was charged.  

    • Like 2
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  6. 13 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

    You should give her some marriage advice. 

    In real life most hardcore liberal men I know are divorced, horrible fathers.  They think going to the movies with their kids on their every other weekend is “parenting”. 

    Most all conservative men I know are married, involved, coached tee ball and help with homework….Dads.  The wives respect it, and are more then likely attractive. 

    I don’t make the rules, just report what I see. 

    • Haha 1

  7. 7 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

    This is the best Republicans could do?  Ooof.

    Admittedly she rambled. However, if I can be serious for once, you could tell she actually cared.  She spoke as a mother, from the heart and whilst clunky, it was authentic.  It wasn’t some polished career politician who says what they are told to get re-elected and all the fake people clap. 

    I am tired of the games y’all play. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

    What the fock is with this lady?

    She’s just a normal woman and mom.  Not a career politician….saying things that a writer told them too with fake smiles.  It’s unpolished but I find it refreshing.  Authentic beats fake every time. 

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