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Posts posted by Ray_T

  1. Fair - maybe

    Unfair - probably

    Veto-able - definitely not.


    No collusion, no false pretenses (e.g. R. Williams vs. R. Williams), no veto...


    Please get mine...


    I pretty much agree with this guy.


    It is unfair enough that it's probably at least worth an investigation by the commish. What this means to me is get justification from both parties (or at least the party being ripped off) as to why the trade should go through.


    provided the answer and logic is reasonable, I'd let the trade go through without veto.

  2. Bush only has real value in a keeper league.


    he's an average to decent #2 RB in a redraft league.


    in a keeper league I'd consider him a keeper based on what I'd expect from him next season. If trading him, I'd want another keeper, or a couple of solid players that provide enough depth that your team becomes very tough to beat.


    in my league, I had bush, but traded him and Isaac Bruce for Bulger and Kevin jones.


    at the time, jones was looking shaky again, and bulger was looking decent, but not good. Warner had just lost his job, and I had no backup QB.


    this gave me depth at QB and didnt hurt me at RB (since Bush was my #3 RB)


    I could have maybe done better, but I felt my team had enough depth, and that the depth provided enough insurance to make me very tough to beat.

  3. Here's the problem.


    You never hear owners complaining about having a retard in their league that drafted Mike Vick at 1.1 and then Bush at 2.10 and then Neil Rackers at 3.1. Most owners are laughing their arses off and thinking about taking the guys money. But... when the same idiot wants to trade Vick and Bush for Arnaz Battle... all the owners scream and yell. You can't have it both ways!!!!!!


    Having an idiot in your league affects the draft, it affects the WW and it affects the league standings. You can't simply disallow the idiot to take part in ONE facet of FF because he's an idiot. If you're gonna monitor his trading, you hafta monitor every other part. In my example, an idiot making those picks would give the person with the second pick a big advantage because there's highly rated talent out there that's being left on the board for him. If the idiot is making ridiculous add/drops (the resident idiot in my "fun" league dropped Jurious Norwood early on, but still has Jonathon Wells on his roster... go figure) it gives an advantage to whoever has wiver priority or happens to be the first lucky SOB to see him drop a quality player.


    The commishes job is NOT to protect weaker owners from stronger ones. If it was, where do you draw the line?


    The commishes job is NOT to maintain the "integrity of the league": meaning... keeping what he sees as a 'competitve balance'. The quality of the ownership in the league is supposed to do that. If you choose to have one supreme idiot in your league, trying to 'maintain league integrity' is a lost cause. It's already gone. Every owner in the league has the same opportunity to take advantage of the idiot. You can't punish the owner that was the best at it... he hasn't done anything wrong.


    Asisde from a myriad of other things... the commishes job IS to make sure that everybody coming into his league is at least close to being on par with the talent level in the league. If you fail to do that... vetoing a few trades doesn't come close to undoing the damage that you already did to your league.


    It's also to maintain the "integrity of the league" by preventing cheating... and punishing those who do.


    In the OP's case, he needs to talk to the owners involved in the trade. Ask the guy getting Brown how he thinks the trade helps him. Maybe get some stats or projection to back up his case. It's pretty easy to tell an "idiot" from a cheater. Which, concidentally, is another one of the commishes jobs.


    Hey, this is a very interesting way to think about things.




    I like this guy.


    On another note:


    I played in a keeper league for hockey (different sport, but similar concept)


    you keep roughly half your players from one year to the next, and can trade future draft picks etc.


    but what we do is charge a franchise deposit. It is equal to the annual entry fee(in this case 50 bucks). so if you run your franchise into the ground, you lose that franchise deposit as well as your annual fee. The commish keeps all the deposits in a 1 year (renewable) term deposit that earns interest. the interest earned every year is usually enough to buy some beer every year at the draft, and players run the risk of losing the deposit if they do too many stupid things.


    also: if you finish last 2 yrs in a row, you are automatically punted from the league and forfeit your deposit.


    also, if you cannot find a buyer for your team when you leave the league(presumably because your team is bad) you also lose your deposit.


    so morons dont stick around. They get booted and lose their money.


    anyhow, food for thought.

  4. Barlow is worthless so that doesn't factor in.


    Edge is average on the Cardinals and Troy Brown and him will probably finish pretty close in fantasy scoring.


    No need to Veto this.


    I disagree.


    Brown hasnt accomplished much. while he has potential. You could argue the same for barlow, and as such, I consider those two players a wash.


    the fact one guy gets edge on top of that is stupid.


    In fact so stupid that the person giving up edge should have his franchise rights revoked (now or at the end of the season)


    I wouldnt want someone that dumb in my league. My vote would be to punt that loser.

  5. well, I think he sat out a game or two last year due to injury too didnt he?


    I'd have to go check on that, but either way.... I dropped him a couple of weeks ago but will keep an eye to see if he performs when he returns.


    his numbers were okay when he was healthy but.....

  6. well, SA is going to be out at least 2 more weeks.


    I think it's a good deal if SA is healthy.


    here is how I see it....


    You have 2 options:


    1) if you are at risk of missing the playoffs, I'd hold off. Best option would probably be to 'think about the offer' until monday, so you get an extra week with your current RB. then pull the trigger.


    (this is the best option if you think you can get away with it)


    2) If you are more or less a cakewalk to make the playoffs already, and can afford to take a minor hit the next week or two, then do the deal now.


    However, it is worth noting that if you are struggling for a playoff position, I'd be careful about doing this deal, cuz what if SA gets to sit another week or two more due to the injury. I know it's unlikely, but it's happened once already.... so why not twice?


    you cant afford to lose production if you're fighting for your playoff life. (especially if you are on the outside looking in) In this case I'd take my chances with Option #1 and hope he doesnt pull the deal off the table.

  7. I may need to pick one of these clowns up.


    Clayton vs. Philly or Parker vs. SD.


    Anyone have any better WR3 alternatives this week? W. Welker just got picked up and it looks like Matt Jones (who I have) is not going to play.....


    Well, out of these two, I'd go with Clayton. I think Matt or one of the other writers on this site wrote in an article that he is suited to the Style of his new QB, and I would say I have to agree.


    even if you dont agree with that logic, I always feel a new QB gives a non productive Receiver a chance to establish a chemistry with his signal caller that he didnt have before. This guy is only a couple years removed from a 1000 yard rookie campaign. I'm sure he can still play. so I'd give him a shot.


    if you are looking for other options, Furrey in Detroit may still be available. he's the #2 receiving option in a mike Martz offensive system, so I'd say he would be an adequate fill in as well.

  8. In a PPR league, it would be worth considering because Bush averages 7/40 ish in the air (11 points PPR.. 4 points non). Since it's non-PPR, you can't pull the trigger, though, because Bush does not score, doesn't get the goal line looks, and has been terrible carrying the football.




    I agree. Bush isnt enough cuz you'll be really thin at RB. He's awesome, but he wont put up the big numbers until next year. I'm sure he'll have one or two big games this year, but I still would pass.


    To do a deal like this, he would need to upgrade Reggie bush to someone along the lines of Rudi Johnson talent wise.


    at that point it would be a deal to make. right now, you're ripping yourself off if you accept this trade offer.

  9. Do me a favor and list all your rosters in your sig. I just love it when complete strangers drone on about their rosters.







    Totally agree with this guy. sorry man.


    I think you just got ripped off. CJ will probably improve, but his remaining schedule is real rough. Jordan is just garbage, no way he is better than Jones the rest of the season. Jones at least plays on a respectable offense with a coach who has been running a NFL team for the past 5 years rather than a bed and breakfast.

    sorry, I meant I agreed with this guy. but the other guy makes a good point. the deal could make sense depending on what your roster looks like

  10. all I have to say is you do not drop QB's in a 16 team league.


    Trade plummer if you must, but do not drop him.


    I'd package him with another player to get an upgrade at that position.


    also, there is still a decent chance that someone still values Plummer for what he's been able to do over the last couple of seasons. you may think noone will want him, but I suspect there will be someone willing to take a chance on him.

  11. you know, your team isnt bad.


    I'd be patient.


    dont go making any stupid trades.


    That one guy is right, you may be able to upgrade your TE or your Defense. but those are small pieces to the puzzle and easy to fill in.


    I'd check the waiver wire, if you can find LJ Smith, he is doing well. I got him on the wire a couple weeks back and traded Gonzo.


    one underrated defense you should look for on the waiver wire is Cinci. Because their offense puts up so many points, teams need to take chances and turn the ball over more often.

  12. I'd make that deal.


    You have RB's that are plenty good enough to get the job done. And you get a premium QB that should improve your bottom line by close to 10 points per week.


    I consider palmer to be on par with Peyton Manning.


    And I think Gore is good, but he is overachieving right now. his value will never be higher than what it is right now.


    I think you should quit waiting around and do this deal before the other guy pulls this offer off the table.

  13. well, if this is a keeper league, you totally made the right call.


    Fred Taylor was considered to be one of the 3 or 4 most gifted RB's in the league at one point, but the fact he gets injured has really hurt his numbers and his career.


    when healthy, he is as good as any RB in the league. And to his credit he has remained healthy all year so far this year. However he will get injured. If it doesnt keep him out of the lineup, it will hinder his production. Either way, you probably got as much as you possibly could get for him.


    Lets put it this way, if I had Taylor at the start of the year, and someone offered me Caddy to get him, I'd have pulled the trigger on this deal in a heartbeat.


    Caddy hasnt been as good as we would have hoped. This is partly because of injuries to the O-Line and an ineffective passing game. What this means is Teams have stacked the box to stop him because teams dont think that their QB can hurt them.


    and for the most part they are right.


    Taylor is now hitting the point in his career where he is starting to show signs of slowing down. He may even yield the starting job to Jones-Drew by the end of the season.


    He has had a terrific year so far, but I still feel you made the right call. I think by the end of the season you will be glad you made this deal.

  14. barlow is getting 30 yards a game man.


    yes, he's getting touchdowns, but this is the only reason that he's been halfway acceptable so far this year.


    I prefer players who actually get yardage. if there is a good waiver wire pickup I wouldnt hesitate to dump barlow to get him.

  15. After I turned down getting P Manning for LT2 last week, the other owner has countered offering me Peyton and Reggie Bush for LT and Reed (K-Pitts).


    Here's my current lineup, not including waiver claims I have open:







    Laurence Maroney


    Tatum Bell

    Mike Bell



    Larry Fitz










    Josh Brown






    So, what do you guys think. This would kinda help with the pain of loosing LT in my RBs, and would be a serious improvement at QB. Im torn.


    I will help with yours.



    I'd make the deal because it does not look like your team is competitive enough to win. Peyton manning will help at QB and you get an adequate fill in in Bush.


    if it's a keeper league or a dynasty league, I'd take that deal and run.





  16. I also wouldnt make that deal.


    M Morris also is not a suitable fill in. if you think he is, you are probably just trying to talk yourself into it because you want Alexander....


    I think you are giving up a lot for a player who:


    1) is hurt

    2) is running behind an O-line that is a shadow of it's former self since Hutchinson left.


    I'd say the larger factor is reason #2


    Hutchinson and Walter Jones together opened up holes so big in the line that you and I could rush for 1000 yards behind that line.


    Jones is still there, but Hutchinson is not. this means the holes are half as big and dont stay open for as long.


    Alexander was on his way to his worst season in a very long time at the time he got hurt. I would not over pay for him.

  17. I'd hold onto ronnie especially in a keeper league


    in a keeper league this is a no brainer.


    Tiki is getting old. He'll do okay this year, but I'd expect that he will never reproduce the numbers he put up last year. Anyone who thought he would was living in a dreamworld.


    it is rare when a RB can repeat a season like that when hes young. But at his age, you had to think he was at the top of the mountain and that it was all downhill from there.


    Brown is young and will improve. Keep him.

  18. well, now you know why WR's are not usually taken early in the draft.


    Wide receivers are always the more risky early round pick because they are not consistant in their production.


    too many things can go wrong.


    if you have injuries to key members of the O-line it can effect the QB's production because guys are constantly in his face.


    if your QB has a bad game (due to the O-Line or due to a bad game or a good defense) your receiver wont likely get good numbers.


    If the WR himself has a bad game it doesnt matter how good your QB plays cuz if he cant catch or get open, you will also have a bad game.


    Lots of things need to go right for your WR to put up good numbers. but only one thing needs to go wrong for your WR to have a poor game.


    You notice Harrisons bad game kinda happened at the same time as Mannings weak game?


    We can give manning part of the blame this time.



  19. well You now know why Stallworth isnt a top end fantasy player every year.....


    he always gets hurt.


    however, I would do some serious research before I'd consider dropping the guy. if he is scheduled to return, I'd hang onto him.


    Guys like this should never be dropped outright because I guarantee you there is one guy in your fantasy league who is high on him and will pay to get him.


    if you insist on picking up Furrey (not a bad pickup I might add) I'd package Stallworth with another player to get an upgrade at another position and then pickup Furrey.


    my policy is Never to drop players who are tradeable. And I guarantee Stallworth is a guy you can trade.

  20. well, the bears model for offense is to have an excellent power running game with very speedy deep threat receivers. If one of the two works early in the game it will usually open things up for the other.


    Grossman seems to be able to throw a pretty good deep ball so I think Berrian will continue to put up good numbers.


    Bruce is definitely a safer player to play because he has a 10 year track record of good production, but he is getting older and is the #2 option in a better than average offense that is facing a very good defense.


    If you are playing a team where you expect to lose, go with Berrian. If you are playing a team where you figure a victory is almost guaranteed, play bruce.


    if it's gonna be close, then I guess it comes down to how much you like to gamble. I dont think Berrian is a huge gamble considering the Bears offensive style and the quality of the deep ball that Grossman has.


    So I'd go with Berrian in that case also.




    also worth noting: the arizona Pass defense is among the worst in the League. so the potential upside for berrian can be very huge.

  21. If this is a keeper league, I'd take Alexander and run.


    if its a redraft league, I'd check to see what the injury prognosis is on Alexander & westbrook.


    Alexander is probably the better player overall, but if he is missing more than 3 or 4 more weeks, I'm not certain that this deal is worth your while.


    Last time I checked, They were saying Alexander will miss one more game they may have upgraded or downgraded this since that time. I havnt checked the reports on Westbrook, so I cant really make a proper guess that way.



    However, I think you gotta make this deal and then trade away alexander once he is healthy (or keep him if you need him bad enough) However I dont think he will have a great season this year.
