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Posts posted by kilroy69

  1. I went out to the land that I hunt yesterday and found a 1 room schack like you would find in the 1800's built back on the backside of the land. I did not go in as it looked as though someone had been there recently and i was alone,unarmed. There was a fire pit, 3 chairs and some wading boots and a path had been cut right down the middle of our field. We had some problems last year on this land with some poachers that actually posted the land no hunting with their address on the sign. We had to call the DNR on them because they INSISTED that they were in the process of buying the land and that we had no right to be on the land. Not true, It has been in our family for 40 years now and it will never get sold because it would take all my aunts and uncles getting together and agreeing on something. Which would in turn take an act of god. This shack is made all of sticks and wood that look to be found in the area but it would have taken a lot of time and effort. There are signs that people have been coming out there a bit and the only ones that should be out there are my brothers and I. I don't know if this is a duck blind of some sort because its near a swamp that ducks use a lot. Or is some freak living back there? Or is it some local kids that need a place to fock around and party. I thought about pounding nails in a 2x4 and placing it in the trail as a booby trap to stop the cars/trucks from coming back there. I already talked to the people that live by it and gave them my # to call if they see anything. Any thoughts on what else I should do. Calling the cops will do nothing. They are retards there.

  2. 1) Nick the Cat (Me)

    2) Fastfish

    3) TorridJoe

    4) Rusty Syringes

    5) Wobel Eth

    6) atllaw06

    7) jerryskids


    We are probably the most controversial posters on this board. I say what's on my mind and I think most of the members on here respect me ( and the rest of them ) for it. Sometimes, people think I am outspoken and controversial.


    "If you can't take the heat, then you have to exit the kitchen !"



    Are you kidding me. Who the fock are you. Even if every one of your 50 posts were Controversial you still would not make it on this list. Unless of course you were an alias of someone like torrid joe or Rusty.

  3. yeah... she probably knew that she was "screwing the pooch" on the test and she came across that question... she was probably like.


    "Girrrrll, there is a question about imperialism and africa in herrrrrr. That indirectly references slavery. I bet i can get my test thrown out and take another one fo free.


    Fo sho.

  4. How the fock is this racially biased. All they are asking is to answer the question. Just from reading the little bit I chink the answer would be by trying to abolish the slave trade and reduce famine and disease. There is nothing wrong with this. Was he lying? Did this not happen?





    Erin Einhorn, New York Daily News, May 15, 2006


    Black students and educators are denouncing a series of questions on the most recent global history Regents exam that they charge were racially biased and insensitive.


    At least one student—Chantelle Jones, a junior at Bushwick Community High School in Brooklyn—said she was so outraged by the questions on the January test, she complained to the exam proctor.


    She then ran out of time on the test’s final essay, never finished it, and failed. She’ll have to take the required test again in June.


    “It makes me so upset,” said Jones, 18. “It’s disrespectful to me and my people.”


    The questions—which asked students to describe how Africa benefited from imperialism—were on a section of the exam that gave students historical passages to read, then asked them to describe the arguments made by the author.


    The first was based on an 1893 passage from “The Rise of Our East African Empire,” by Frederick Lugard, who, while working for the Imperial British East Africa Co. in the 19th century, helped colonize Uganda and other African countries.


    On the exam, students were asked to read Lugard’s account of British projects in Africa like digging wells and building irrigation systems, then to “state two ways British imperialism would benefit Africans.”


    Next up was a passage from Lugard’s “The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa,” from 1922. It described British efforts to end the slave trade and reduce famine and disease.


    “We are endeavoring … to teach the native races to conduct their own affairs with justice and humanity, and to educate them alike in letters and in industry,” Lugard wrote.


    Students were asked to name “two ways the British improved the lives of Africans.”


    “This is just beyond the pale,” said Esmeralda Simmons, the executive director of the Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College.




