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Everything posted by TBayXXXVII


    This years Dak...not stats, just out of nowhere QB

    Yeah, I have to agree with this.

    Do NOT Draft list.

    The only players I have on the DND list are players on the Jets, Browns, Niners, and Rams.

    Todd Gurely

    Reading now that he may get cut, so I think you may be safe. LOL
  4. I will be keeping Howard in my home keeper league and I can tell you with 100% assurance that Cohen does not scare me even for a tenth of a second. In a redraft, I'd still take Howard in the first round.

    Unusual Snake Drafting Order

    I would never play in a league like that.

    12th spot... not loving it at all

    I'd love to be sitting there with Howard, Murray, and Ajayi on the board. The only thing not to love is that you can only take 2. Me, I'd take Howard and Ajayi.

    Preseason Week 2 Observations

    I'm calling it now... Tampa will have a top 5 offense this year!

    Todd Gurely

    Yeah, that's cool. I don't have Gurley outscoring Blount by that much. I see Gurley with 1100 total yards, 30 receptions, and 8 TD's. That works out to 194 points in PPR. For Blount, I have the same yards (virtually all rushing), with 8 receptions and 10 TD's giving him 178 points. A difference of 1 ppg for 4 rounds of draft value is great by me.

    Todd Gurely

    I think it's close. Receiving numbers will dictate who scores more in my opinion. The biggest thing for me is that Gurley is going in the 2nd round and Blount in the 6th. I'll take Blount in the 6th every time as compared to Gurley in the 2nd. As I said in the other thread, I'll take Blount in the 5th as my RB2. I WON'T take him in the 2nd, just like I WON'T take Gurley there either. Because I think Gurley is a bad RB, I won't take him at all.
  10. TBayXXXVII

    Todd Gurely

    Funny, I was thinking the same thing.
  11. TBayXXXVII

    McCaffrey & Cook

    In a re-draft league, they'll both go way too early for me. They're both going to be a part of some sort of committee resulting in very inconsistent results. I'd take them in the 6th or 7th rounds as my RB3, but not in the 3rd or 4th as my RB2.
  12. TBayXXXVII

    Todd Gurely

    Fat Rob was a by-product of having Cousins, Reed, Garcon, and Jackson. You won't find anyone remotely as good as those guys in their respected positions in LA. He's all yours.
  13. TBayXXXVII

    Is LeGarrette Blount being undervalued?

    Yup. I thought he looked great. Well, I need to correct that. I was watching the Tampa / Jacksonville game, not the Eagles game. Compared to Fournette who didn't even dress (a guy that people are taking as an RB2), Blount looked great... because he actually did play.
  14. TBayXXXVII

    Todd Gurely

    Hyperbole? No, that's my opinion. The reason I think he'll be the starter all year is because they don't really have anyone else. They didn't draft anyone did they? Dunbar is out for the season and Malcolm Brown is the only guy they really have, and he hasn't shown anything either. Give me a name who's going to take carries from him. I say RB5 because I never want to have to start him unless I have absolutely no choice. An RB3 is a flex starter and/or first option off the bench. I never want that from Gurley. Another reason I call him an RB5 is because it guarantees that someone else will take him. I want no part of him.
  15. TBayXXXVII

    Todd Gurely

    I don't see what others see in Gurley. I've seen tons of videos of him pre-ACL injury and NOTHING of that player is playing for the Rams. He's slower. He can't hit the holes as fast or hard. He doesn't make many people miss... and when he does and gets into the open field, someone always runs him down. I think he's just a bad RB. I expect him to not be the starter in another year or 2 and nothing more than a part time player after that. I wouldn't take him any sooner than my RB5.
  16. TBayXXXVII

    Freeman or Howard?

    Freeman, because I think he's on a better team and will have a greater ability to score more touchdowns. I think Howard could end up being used a lot more in the passing game than last year and could get more yards because of it, but I think his ceiling isn't as high because of the lack of scoring.
  17. TBayXXXVII

    Is LeGarrette Blount being undervalued?

    You like to cherry pick the past, don't you? LOL 1. He never ran behind a FB in Tampa and played well... he just couldn't get his head out of his butt. 2. I have a correction to make. The 18 red zone attempts also included time in New England, my bad. He had 7 attempts in Pittsburgh inside the 10 yard line... and 2 TD's. 1 per 3.5 attempts. For reference, LeVeon Bell had 4 in 17 attempts, so 1 per 4.25 attempts. In that perspective, I think he did well. 3. Yes, he was a knucklehead, in TAMPA (which I specifically made note of the first time). Last year he got 299 attempts (18.7 per game). Now, was that because it was his 3rd season in New England? I don't know. What I do know is that in his first go around with that Pats, he got 60 carries in 5 games (only 1 which he started), so he still managed 12 rushes per game. We know it went up to almost 14 attempts per game in 2015. Again, was it familiarity with the playbook or talent? I'm inclined to believe it was talent because he went to New England and in his very first game there, he had 12 carries for 78 yards and 2 scores. 4. Yes, he will be 31 this season... in December. So if he's going to be on the wrong side of 30 after 13 games... I'm ok with that. Also, he's only touched the ball 1200 times in his career, so it's not like he's worn down by hits. 5. Blount was NEVER good in practice, so that doesn't concern me. I also never said he was a short yardage specialist, my point about goal line carries was that there isn't anyone on the team to vulture them from him. To me, your concerns are fine, but minor because there is absolutely no one in Philly who's going to challenge him for touches... between the 20's and inside them. I think the Eagles are going to be a really good team this year and could win 10 or 11 games. That means, they're going to be in the lead a lot and will likely run the ball more. More rushes = more Blount. As I said before, if you don't like him, don't draft him. I'm not trying to convince you or anyone to like him, I'm just telling you what I see and why I see it. Nothing more, nothing less.
  18. TBayXXXVII

    Is LeGarrette Blount being undervalued?

    If you're in a standard league, then yes, I'd project Blount to be a low end RB1. I'm not. I play in all PPR's. To me, he's a mid-to-low end RB2.
  19. TBayXXXVII

    Is LeGarrette Blount being undervalued?

    LOL... I never said I was right. I'm giving my opinion based on the information available. The information available is this... + Blount used to be a knucklehead (as a Buccaneers fan, that was common knowledge), who was a talented player. + Because he couldn't get his head out of his rear, he struggled and the Bucs let him go. + He went to New England where he found success + Left to go to Pittsburgh and was a backup and played "well". + Went back to New England and was awesome + Left to go to Philly -- Philly has a better offensive line -- Philly has a more predictable game plan -- Philly has less of a threat to his playing time Above are facts... not opinions. The following are my opinions based on the facts presented. + Blount should get the ball 16-18 times (virtually every touch will be a hand off) + Blount has the talent behind that line to get 4+ ypc just like almost every RB last year. + With that work load, that should get him 1100 yards (or more). + He's a goal line type back who should see almost every carry inside the 5, so there isn't likely to be a TD vulture on the team. + Because of the facts listed earlier and my opinions above, the analysis I've come up with is a solid RB2 who should get 1100 yards and double digit TD's. I never said that this is what will happen, just an opinion based on the information available. Also, I never said you were wrong, I simply said I don't agree with you and I your concerns don't concern me because the Eagles OLine is really good and Blount is a talented player.
  20. TBayXXXVII

    Is LeGarrette Blount being undervalued?

    That's actually not true. Blount has always been a talented player, but his head always seemed to get in the way. The facts are that the Eagles have a better offensive line than the Patriots and a heck of a lot less options. The only difference between him and a guy like Melvin Gordon is that Blount won't get the receiving numbers.
  21. TBayXXXVII

    Another Keeper Quandry

    I agree with the above, Gordon.
  22. TBayXXXVII

    Would you make this trade....

    Stop asking for advice and accept before it's too late!!!!!!
  23. TBayXXXVII

    Thank You Everyone

    Yeah, back already!!
  24. TBayXXXVII

    Is LeGarrette Blount being undervalued?

    Then don't take him. I'm not telling you that you have to. I'm fine with him in the 4th or 5th round as an RB2.