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Everything posted by IGotWorms

  1. IGotWorms

    Real Estate Harbinger

    Ideally, yes. But it seems many boomers did not plan that well
  2. IGotWorms

    Real Estate Harbinger

    If you’ve got a mortgage at 2.5% why would you want to “downsize” to a 7% mortgage that would cost you as much or more for a smaller, sh1tier house? That’s a big part of the issue there, but time will heal that as people eventually HAVE to move — hell, to the cemetery if nowhere else in between
  3. lol Jerry is pretty solidly on tilt over for this for someone who “doesn’t really like Trump”
  4. IGotWorms

    Trumpers got The Rock

    Dwayne Johnson endorsed Joe Biden during his 2020 election campaign — but now he says he regrets that decision, and won’t be making political endorsements again anytime soon. The Black Adam star expressed remorse about his political past and cast skepticism on the state of the nation in an interview with Fox News’ Will Cain this week. “Am I happy with the state of America right now? Well, that answer’s no,” he said. “Do I believe we’re gonna get better? I believe in that. I’m an optimistic guy, and I believe we can get better." Johnson continued, "The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was one I thought was the best decision for me at that time… And I thought back then, when we talk about, 'Hey, you know, I'm in this position where I have some influence and it's my job then … to exercise my influence and share… this is who I'm going to endorse.'" But Johnson has shifted his perspective. “Am I gonna do that again this year? That answer is no, I’m not gonna do that, because what I realized — what that caused back then — was something that tears me up in my guts, back then and now, which is division,” he said. “And that got me. The takeaway after that, months and months and months, I started to realize, like, ‘Oh man, that caused an incredible amount of division in our country.’” https://ew.com/dwayne-johnson-regrets-endorsing-joe-biden-in-2020-8627973 Big win for you guys
  5. The fake electors thing is a slam dunk. His only hope is to say he was relying on the advice of counsel, but really — can anyone have possibly thought that was kosher? No effin’ way
  6. IGotWorms

    Trump INDICTED

    So in a presidential election where abortion is going to be a key issue, the democrats are not going to reference a famous statement, by the guy who took away abortion rights, that he likes to “grab em by the pvssy”? You serious?? You’re flailing man. Need to go back to the well and find something better than Barron’s quinceanera and Billy Bush
  7. IGotWorms

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    You need some new material 🥱
  8. IGotWorms

    I'm higher than all of you right now

    Would you accept a cvm rag?
  9. IGotWorms

    Brandon Aiyuk requests trade?

    I disagree. He could get RGIII’d or Alex Smithed this year so he does need to make sure he gets something out of this whole thing. Even if it’s just a big bump for this year he can’t be playing for 1/2 mill or whatever it is. And I do think he would command a big payday on the market. Certainly many many multitudes of what he is currently slated to make. Teams mortgage their whole next few years for a completely unproved draft pick — why not for a guy that was damn near league MVP last year??
  10. IGotWorms

    Trump INDICTED

    Okay — you think that access Hollywood tape wasn’t coming back up in the election?
  11. IGotWorms

    Trump INDICTED

    Drag him through the mud where? The jury ain’t gonna hear it, that’s been decided. The public has known about it all along — it wasn’t exactly a well hidden secret! You're grasping at straws here, bud
  12. IGotWorms

    Trump INDICTED

    M.o., state of mind, that sort of thing. And of course it wasn’t going to be allowed. But you can’t blame them for trying.
  13. Sleepy Donald was dozing off without his cocaine bumps to keep him active
  14. IGotWorms

    I'm higher than all of you right now

    Don’t forget your towel!
  15. Can’t believe that’s really your argument
  16. I don’t know, since he was balls deep in a wh0re when his son was born, seems a little sketch that now he’s absolutely gotta make his grade school graduation
  17. lol, it’s come down to this semantics bullsh1t for you
  18. Seems smart to get out front of it since Trump likes to threaten witnesses, court staff, family members etc. You know, like a mobster does
  19. Imagine calling another man Father and Alpha. Do you let him put a ball gag in your mouf and spank you?
  20. IGotWorms

    NPR Is Garbage

    Yeah somehow I doubt that