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Know Doubt

Monday June 13th

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no, not really.


LonghornnDD's first pick has "timed out" and he holds the next pick which times out at 11 something.


I was so buried at work, all I could find close by was his home phone number. I called it and left a message but no response. He is real active with his kids over the weekend.

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If rurbaniak post a pick at 11:03 and Longhorn has not, Rue's pick processes next, then the next player is on the clock.


Longhorn can post his pick at any time, does not move to the end of the round, but any picks made before he does after his time expires is processed first.

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Sorry for the MIA, I coach one of my boys baseball teams and our second baseman broke his femor and dislocated his leg at the hip after colliding with the first baseman on a play. I spent most of Sunday at the hospital with his parents. They had to insert a rod and pins in the leg.


Poor boy has to wear a body cast for 6 weeks and no athletic activity for 6 months.

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Had forgotten there even was a time limit for picks. Should an email be sent to rurbaniak?

I sent an message to two accounts

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Sorry for the MIA, I coach one of my boys baseball teams and our second baseman broke his femor and dislocated his leg at the hip after colliding with the first baseman on a play. I spent most of Sunday at the hospital with his parents. They had to insert a rod and pins in the leg.


Poor boy has to wear a body cast for 6 weeks and no athletic activity for 6 months.

Holy Crap! :thumbsdown:

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Sorry for the MIA, I coach one of my boys baseball teams and our second baseman broke his femor and dislocated his leg at the hip after colliding with the first baseman on a play. I spent most of Sunday at the hospital with his parents. They had to insert a rod and pins in the leg.


Poor boy has to wear a body cast for 6 weeks and no athletic activity for 6 months.

I hope for the kid's sake that the growth tissue in the bone wasn't damaged. Probably not an issue for the femur but for the dislocated hip, that would be bad.

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Sorry for the MIA, I coach one of my boys baseball teams and our second baseman broke his femor and dislocated his leg at the hip after colliding with the first baseman on a play. I spent most of Sunday at the hospital with his parents. They had to insert a rod and pins in the leg.


Poor boy has to wear a body cast for 6 weeks and no athletic activity for 6 months.

I had the same kind of thing happen to me. Broke my right Femur, and to this day I have a rod in my leg. This happened when I was 23, and now I'm 34. The first 6 months really suck, but once you get past that it should all be good. I play hockey and it doesn't affect me in the least bit.

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Well, I know who you want now, so I can just make that pick for ya...



I called pale rider

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... and sent hellothere an email

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Sorry boys...just went with my 5-year old son for his first karate test and for celebrations afterwards. :( :headbanger:

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Sorry boys...just went with my 5-year old son for his first karate test and for celebrations afterwards. :( :cry:

Wax on Wax off Daniel-san!


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