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What draft position won your league last year?

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i don't remember where i drafted last year. i drafted peyton late in the first round. traded cadillac, ronnie brown and keyshawn for SA after week 1 and scrapped together a championship from peyton, SA, HOLT, and FITZ. for week 16, i actually started ben hamburger over peyton and i beat larry johnson, LT2, and steve "kicked out of the game" smith in the championship.

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I won it in the 3 spot last year ... but who wouldn't have won the league with shaun alexander, tiki barber, and larry johnson on the team? :banana:

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I won our league last year from the 8 hole, in an 8 team modified keeper. I drafted poorly in early rounds and did well late. First three rounds - I dropped all players before the end of the season (Holmes, JLew, and Favre) But I stole Jordan(12th) Fitz(11th) and had Boldin (16th, Keeper), and got CJ (4th) and Holt(5th) in a PPR league, that is all you need. Doesn't matter when you draft, as long as you draft for the best value...

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Overall high-level commentary... I've found that owners who are very good at drafting do best from the 5-8 spots. They have a keen sense of who they value where and having to wait less time between picks allows them to play for contingincies better and anticipate who will be available at their next pick so they can extract maximum value from the draft. This is a year where you might want to shy away from that because there is a consensus #1 player and you can get 2 #1 WRs in the 2nd/3rd and come back with a lot of RBBC backs later on who may add up to something. A risky proposition but if you can land a #2 value RB in the 4th and/or 5th, you can win your league. Depends on the year. Most years, I'd rather pick 6th or 7th. Won my league both times I picked 6th or 7th.

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The past 3 years in our league:

2003 - Overall pick # 3 wins league

2004 - Overall pick # 6 wins league

2005 - Overall pick # 4 wins league


Runner up:

2003 - 2nd pick

2004 - 9th pick

2005 - 1st pick

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In two of my leagues the guy who screwed the Priest Holmes owner by drafting LJ in the 4th won the league. I don't know where they drafted.


That's what I did, but it was a keeper, so taking LJ at the end of the 4th wasn't too much of a stretch. I drafted 1st and took LT, got Lamont and CJ in the 2nd and 3rd (despite all the Raiders fans in the league).


Got Willie Parker late, who was instrumental until Priest got hurt. Also, my IDPs were ridiculous (Vilma, Bulluck, Peterson, Polamalu, G.Wilson).

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i'm in 3 leagues...2nd draft position won 2, 1st won the other. front of the draft is a HUGE advantage.

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4 leagues....2nd, 3rd, 2nd, 4th (this guy had LJ)....the guy who had Shaun Alexander won in every league, in two of those league the winner paired Shaun with LJ (unreal, but true)

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10 team, 4 player keeper league. 10th :thumbsdown:



I drafted from the 5th spot took priest but in round 5 drafted LJ. after trades and whatnot my team looked like LJ, LT, L Jordan, McNair, Harrison, Branch, Whitten. I was rolling through the league but as the playoffs came around Jordan was out, Harrison was out and LT was out. my team blew goats in the champoinship game to the owner that drafted 4th. Just goes to show you how much luck is really involved in fantasy

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I won it from the 3rd spot. Alexander, Portis, LJ, Bears D, and a preseason trade for Steve Smith. It was a beautiful year! Sadly we've expanded to a couple more owners this year (I commish) and there are no keepers this year.

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