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Got an offer to give up Gore

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what is that crap? #1 RB in most league scoring systems for a #2WR?


He also has Boldin and Chad Johnson.


Would you offer up Gore and Driver for say Boldin and L. Maroney from NE? I am thinking it may be a bit much, but not sure...


or offer him up Chambers?


he really likes gore, so I need to make him give me something...see my roster below.

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No I wouldn't. Gore is a primo back right now. Maroney doesn't make up for losing him.


Driver's not too shabby right now, though he does get hurt a lot. So Boldin and Chad probably won't be a big step up in production but in durability might be an improvement.


So overall you don't get much out of it IMO.


Stand pat.



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hes giving you a lo-ball offer. Gore has shown some talent, but he hasnt proven himself against a strong defense yet.


he is hoping that if you actually negotiate with him on this lowball offer that you will end up settling in the middle of your initial offer and his. This is dangerous because: If you settle in the middle (as is expected in negotiations) if his initial offer is a lowball offer, you are probably settling for less than market value.


there are two ways to deal with this if you actually wanna make a trade with this guy.


1) act insulted at the offer and do not give him a counter offer. This way if he really wants gore, he will give you a second (more reasonable) offer and you can start negotiating from there.


2) give him an equally outrageous counter offer. (ask for Chad Johnston). This should essentially send him the message that if you offer me crap, I'll counter offer with crap. In the end, you may settle in the middle of both crap offers and hopefully end with a fair deal. I dont recommend this method as This can be very counter productive (although very entertaining) a lot of the time unless he has a sense of humor, and I wouldnt recommend going this route unless he is constantly offering you crap deals and you want to put an end to it by making a somewhat insulting offer.


if one or both of you are new to the league, you're gonna get this as people like to 'test out' other GM's to see how smart they really are. dont take it personally, it's part of the process. In my league there are deals I'd offer to some guys in our league that I wouldnt even consider offering to other guys in my league.


ie. one guy loves Green Bay, so he overpays for Green Bay players all the time.


another thing you may want to look at is some of the other deals that people make. This often gives you a clue as to who knows what they're doing.

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