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McNabb made T.O.?

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for the past few years, a lot of mcnabb-haters claimed it was TO making mcnabb look a thousand times better than he actually was (on the field.) obviously this season is shutting the door on those arguments.


but w/TO looking pretty pedestrian now is anyone wondering if the reverse was actually a lot more true? did mcnabb take an avg receiver in TO and make him look great?

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nah, they're both great players in their own right. McNabb didn't make T.O., but Bledsoe might break T.O.

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yeah, they are both really good players. Thats why they were super human when they were together. A receiver can only catch the ball if it's thrown to him and in his vacinity. A QB has all sorts of people to throw to, so all he has to do is keep his cool and if nothing is there, check down to your safer options (RB/TE's). Thats why losing TO means nothing to the Eagles, but TO cant seem to get it going with his subpar QB.

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for the past few years, a lot of mcnabb-haters claimed it was TO making mcnabb look a thousand times better than he actually was (on the field.) obviously this season is shutting the door on those arguments.


but w/TO looking pretty pedestrian now is anyone wondering if the reverse was actually a lot more true? did mcnabb take an avg receiver in TO and make him look great?



Im not sure, but I think he was pretty good in SF

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Don't forget that TO is coming off a "stay" in the hospital.

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No, but they made each other better for sure. Look at R Moss, a WR needs a QB, A QB doesn't necessarily need a WR. TO had it made and blew it. He had a great QB, a solid team, a shot at a SB for the next few years, and a city that wanted to love him. He trashed everything that was good for him. Very self-destructive. But it was an "accidental" over-dose. :doh:

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I gotta admit, before the season started, I was not so high on McNasty, not because I didn't believe him to be a good plyaer, but because the departure of TO left him with suspect wrs. Well he has answered that call and then some. To answer your question, McNabb didn't make TO, because TO came into Philly with superstar numbers. However, it is quite evident that McNabb can thrive without TO, or a TO calibur Wr. He is in a league of his own this year. Good for him...

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I recall T.O being pretty good in San Fran with some guy named Jeff Garcia at QB. :(

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I gotta admit, before the season started, I was not so high on McNasty, not because I didn't believe him to be a good plyaer, but because the departure of TO left him with suspect wrs. Well he has answered that call and then some. To answer your question, McNabb didn't make TO, because TO came into Philly with superstar numbers. However, it is quite evident that McNabb can thrive without TO, or a TO calibur Wr. He is in a league of his own this year. Good for him...

I'm never sure if people are talking from a fantasy perspective, or a real world perspective so if you're just talking fantasy than the loss of a WR like T.O. can be big, and would give reason to pause. But if you're talking about a real world situation you have to realize that McNabb had guys like Thrash, Pinkston, Johnson and Small before T.O. and still lead the team to winning records and the playoffs.

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WCO made TO


no matter who throws to him. Currently he is playing in a play action offense as the #1 receiver that gets treated like the #2 or #3 receiver. Mainly due to his coach and partly due to his injuries.

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yeah, they are both really good players. Thats why they were super human when they were together. A receiver can only catch the ball if it's thrown to him and in his vacinity. A QB has all sorts of people to throw to, so all he has to do is keep his cool and if nothing is there, check down to your safer options (RB/TE's). Thats why losing TO means nothing to the Eagles, but TO cant seem to get it going with his subpar QB.


If your suggesting that TO's poor performance last night was entirely Bledsoe's fault, I hardly think that's true. In addition to his drops, there were several balls which TO should have contested a lot harder than he did. He didn't seem to make the proper adjustments against the Eagles Dbs. Also he seemed pretty well covered the whole night. For a normal reciever, yes they need balls thrown to them, but TO is suppose to be an elite play maker, and he just didn't make anything happen last night.

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